For many of us, before we had kids we had fur babies. Our dogs were our whole world. We would go on walks, play fetch for hours, even take trips together. We'd buy them lots of toys and expensive...
This is kind of depressing to think of this MOMS but we actually only have 18 summers left with our kids until they go off to college or become adults. Definitely puts things in perspective right? It makes me...
After 4 months in quarantine, much of the world has started to head back and return slowly with a new way, new restrictions and new regulations. But are you ready to press the reset button? What have been your...
As far as detoxifying we've discussed the basics and home, now let's take this to our bodies. Shifting to nontoxic with our everyday personal products can feel overwhelming, but let's simplify it. Nowadays, there are hundreds of places to shop...
Antes de ser mamá, decía que “yo nunca, iba a ser una mamá estricta con rutinas” (definitivamente la ignorancia es atrevida, como diría mi mamá ja ja ja). Pasó el tiempo, me convertí en mamá y Lorenzo, mi bebé,...
Let me preface this post: This post will not pick in-school vs. virtual learning. You will not finish this post and say, "Yes! I know what I will decide now!" Or maybe you will, but it won't be because...
Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for informational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with a qualified medical professional before starting an exercise program and if you feel any adverse...
A common question I get from new parents is how to introduce a bottle to a baby who is breastfeeding. There are many reasons why mothers choose to introduce or add bottle feeding. Some may be returning to work,...
"Hobbies? I'm a MOM... my hobbies include going to the bathroom alone and scraping crayons off the walls." You've probably heard some version of this joke and laughed wryly.  New mothers often put aside hobbies and activities that bring them...
Authored by Dr. Melissa Alfonso Sedeño Does my child need braces? Do I need braces? Could my smile be improved with Invisalign? These are some of the questions you might ask yourself. A straight and properly aligned smile and bite...

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Guide To Miami

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...