My two younger brothers, Bebe and Ettienne, circa 1992
I know it may sound cliché, but you should cherish your loved ones because you never know what tomorrow will bring. I don’t know about you, but the holiday season always makes me reflect on those I’ve loved and lost.
This year, I can’t help but feel compelled to share a personal story. I hope it will help you connect with your loved ones and that it inspires you to reach out and spend some quality time with family and friends.
It was Friday, October 26thand I was working late and recovering from a sinus infection when my sister called to break the news to me. My brother had just called me a few minutes before, but I missed his call. I remember being in shock, then feeling numb, not wanting to believe what I had just heard.
Our youngest brother, Emanuelle “Bebe” Molina, was in a fatal motorcycle accident. He was only 36 years old and had three daughters. He was riding home when he lost control and crashed.

Just a year earlier, when Hurricane Maria devastated my beautiful island of Puerto Rico, my brother and I spoke, and he told me that he couldn’t find Bebe after the storm. We made several attempts to locate him before he was found safe. Of course, we were all relieved. And now – a year later – he was gone.
I took a flight to Puerto Rico where Bebe lived and I spent time with my family, and I’m so grateful to have reconnected with my brothers and sisters during this difficult time. Although I was raised an only child, I have several brothers and sisters from my dad’s side. Growing up, I didn’t get to spend much time with my older siblings, but I have such happy memories of visiting and hanging out with my two younger brothers. Over the years, I have kept in touch with them, visited them and spoken on the phone. I would usually speak to the older of the two and ask him how Bebe was doing, but recently I hadn’t reached out to Bebe directly.

Unfortunately, it took this tragedy to bring us all together. This is the very first time I reunited with most of my brothers and sisters all at once and I have to say that the time I spent with them was so special to me. We cried, we hugged, we met new family members, we shared stories and we connected in a way we never had before. In fact, we’re already planning our next reunion. But why did this have to happen in order to bring us together? Why couldn’t we have reconnected before this tragedy?

Spending time with my older brother and sisters in Puerto Rico
Sometimes, life gets in the way. We are many — and we have different moms — but we share so much and have decided that despite our differences and distances, we will make an effort to get together more often. Our first sibling reunion will be in January and I plan to set up the next one soon after.
Losing my little brother is a harsh reminder to cherish and hold each other close because we only have today. You don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Today is a gift; that’s why we call it the present.
Click here for a link to a tribute video Bebe’s friend made, in case you’d like to see it.

Hugging my brother, Ettienne
Sometimes, we’re just too busy to visit, call or write a letter. Life is hectic, but don’t let another day pass by without reaching out to your family and close friends. If there’s someone you cherish that you haven’t seen or talked to in a while, now is the time to reconnect with him/her. Let them know you are thinking of them and make plans to see each other.
Count your blessings. Hold your loved ones close and savor every moment. Be late to work and don’t miss your child’s school breakfast or Christmas show. Set up a long overdue date night. Email your siblings and plan a reunion. Host a potluck dinner.
What other ways do you have of sharing special time with your loved ones? I’d love to hear your suggestions!