Black Friday. It’s one of the biggest shopping days of the year for most.
I have been doing Black Friday shopping for the past 21 years. I was one of those that said I would never do it. You hear so many horror stories that go on. I was terrified to do it. I would do Thanksgiving dinner with the family and then leave the kids with my mom. My husband and I would go home, change, and map out our shopping trip. I’ll explain better in a little. We would begin at the second store with the biggest sale item we wanted at the best price. Let the hunt begin–from standing in line to just going to what we wanted to get and then on to the next store. We never experienced a problem; we never saw a fight or even an argument over anything. So, I’ll share some tips to have a smooth shopping experience.
TIP 1: Always have a plan.
Scope out the ads to see who has what sales. Have a list of what you’re looking for and who has it on sale. What worked best for us is if we wanted something specific, we never went to the first store that had it for the lowest price. The reason is everyone will go there first to get a better price. We would go to the second store that we found that had it for the next lowest price. There are still going to be a lot of people wanting it for that price. But stay calm and focused. When the store opens, divide and conquer. Always go with someone. As soon as you walk in go straight to that item. I have always found that while standing in line, you can make friends and chat with others. This helps with passing the time and you kind of find out what they are there for.
TIP 2: Check the ads for sale times.
Things have changed now, and a lot of stores have their Black Friday sales starting at certain times. This is easier. Ads let you know what time the items are on sale for and till what time. So if you’re in the store already and grab the item and just wait around for that time to begin, you have scored. Then all you have to do is pay before the time ends. Don’t worry, it’s usually a 3 or 4-hour window. Always be a smart shopper and know your item’s price before the sale. Sometimes the stores make it look like it’s such a huge sale when in reality, it’s only a $20 or even $30 difference.
TIP 3: Look for online sales.
To me, Black Friday shopping is just a fun time spent. Now it’s so much easier with online sales. A lot of items you are looking for in the store they have on their websites for the same price as in the store or even cheaper. So definitely online Black Friday shopping is ideal for a mom that can’t leave their kids at home. So don’t feel like you can’t get a deal. Technology has changed so much that anyone nowadays can participate in this fun-filled day of shopping and saving.
TIP 4: Keep an eye on your cart.
Very important: keep an eye on your cart. Never leave the cart unattended and never leave your purse or phone in the cart alone. Unfortunately, some people take advantage of others, so to avoid it be vigilant. Remember what I said earlier–try shopping with a buddy or in a group. When going to your car eyes open straight to the car and put stuff away and get in and lock the doors. It’s a crazy day and some take advantage of others’ vulnerability so it’s always good to be careful.
Remember the key to this day is having a plan. Strategy is key. And above all stay away from conflict. No toy or item is worth getting into an altercation with someone.
Happy Shopping!