Clean Nontoxic Mama
Beginning the shift to nontoxic cleaner products takes on a whole other meaning when baby is on the way. As a new mom (celebrating 1-year of momhood) I took another hard look at everyday products, analyzing things we used daily on our little one. Finding nontoxic clean products for my little one was easier because I was on the journey for a couple of years. Why did I believe one cleaner worked better than another? I know Mom, I know, a baby needs to build antibodies, but soon enough he will be eating dirt and boogers. What I wanted was to educate myself and mitigate what goes into and onto our bodies–especially our little one.

Mama & Baby Marcelo
Organic Confusion
It can be confusing when you see phrases like organic or natural on product packaging. But when searching for clean nontoxic baby products, don’t buy into the generic label. My husband and I laugh at things like natural chicken. What exactly is natural chicken? As opposed to non-natural? Is that an oxymoron? I’m confused. I myself have fallen victim to buying into pretty packaging. But over time I’ve learned that much like people, it is what’s inside that matters most. I usually spend the time researching what I want to buy and feel the investment in my health and my baby’s health is priceless. I don’t gamble, but a baby wash that is rated 5 with moderate concerns versus a wash rated a mild 2, I’ll choose the latter and increase my odds.
EWG Verified
Let’s illustrate an example. When you look up something as common as let’s say Baby Magic Wash, a 6 on a scale of 1 to 10 comes up (10 being the worst) with ingredients that have key concerns such as cancer, developmental, biochemical or cellular level changes and reproductive toxicity. Yes, there are products that are given a green approval and still have concerns with allergies and things of that nature–but the concerns are much less severe and you must take everything with a grain of salt. Another common example is Cetaphil, which I always trusted from dermatologists. It is labeled as a gentle baby wash with words that describe it as hypoallergenic, enriched with calendula extracts, paraben-free. Still, it is rated a 4, not the worst but not the best.
Nontoxic Clean Baby Products
There are tons of items on the market. Always do your research so you feel comfortable with the product, price point, etc. Only you Mamas will know what is best for you and your baby. As always, you can find many of these items at Target or Buy Buy Baby (where you can use those great 20% off coupons). And mamas, go ahead and hoard this stuff because it’s great for you too! (TIP: most of these companies also offer a discount on your first purchase and you can sign-up for e-mails to get more deals!)
Here are some personal favorite vegan, nontoxic, clean baby products:
1. Baby Wipes
Everyone is familiar with Water Wipes, it doesn’t get much more complicated. Honest or Cloud Island are also great plant-based brands. I didn’t find any major concerns with baby wipes except a few common brands like Huggies and Pampers both rated a moderate 3.
2. Diapering
My go-to since day one is Honest Diaper Rash Cream. It’s rated a 1 and not greasy or thick. Alternatively, we use Earth Mama Organics Organic Diaper Balm. Besides it being super light, rated a 1 and not greasy, it’s great for Mama. We keep one in stock, one in the diaper caddy and one in the diaper backpack, which I love to use to moisturize cuticles or dry spots.
3. Baby Wash and Lotions
Babo Botanicals Baby Wash and body lotion (they also have beautiful glowy tinted sunscreen for mamas). I also love Pleni Naturals Apple + Broccoli Hair & Body Wash. Besides the fact that they’re a woman-owned small business I love to support, the scent is so yummy for your little one. P.S. spend some time on their site browsing other amazing products for you.
4. Other
Earth Mama Organics Nipple Butter. This one is for the mamas, yet safe for baby. We also use their diaper balm as an alternative to the rash cream. Bonus: both work great on cuticles or any dry areas. I know baby powder can be controversial but Little Twig changed that with their 1-rated powder. Living in Miami, the humidity can get heavy. A teeny sprinkle on the mid-part of our baby’s back just where the diaper is is everything. Make sure to look for their newest formula (blue label).
5. Just for Mama
Skin and Senses Fearless Body Butter in Luminous. This became my obsession and it lasted me throughout my pregnancy. Such a little amount goes a long way, smells intensely delicious and so smooth. Rub it all over your belly to prevent stretch marks. It leaves skin smooth and glowy.
Drop your comments below, we love to hear from readers. I love connecting and hearing about your experiences and tips, so please feel free to connect with me @heysanderella on Instagram.
Editor’s Note: Want to learn more about clean nontoxic products and how to detoxify your lifestyle? Be sure to check out these other great posts about living nontoxic and clean and nontoxic beauty products!
Loved this article, great wrap up and very informative!
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