Being a work-from-home mom has been one of the biggest blessings. Like everything else in life, it has its challenges. However, over the course of the last few years, I’ve found that there are some key things I can do to help me better balance my work and my home life throughout the day. I’m sharing these 7 tips for work-from-home moms in hopes they will help you too!
Start your day off right by preparing the night before. Every evening I do a quick lap around the house to tidy up, picking up any stray toys, ensuring there are no dishes left in the sink and putting away any laundry. Waking up to a messy house makes me feel like I’m already behind on my day. Taking those 5 minutes the night before helps immensely.
Programming my coffee maker for the next morning is also a big help. Getting out of bed is a lot easier to do when you know there’s a pot of freshly-brewed coffee waiting for you!
I am not a morning person so waking up between 5 – 5:30 a.m. is a challenge. Ironically, that is what makes it so necessary. I’m a much better mom if I have some quiet time to myself in the a.m. I can drink my coffee and get a head start on my work before my little ones are up. If I wake up with them and have to tend to them before my brain is fully awake, I feel overwhelmed before my day has even begun. So much so that I’ve even made it a habit to set my alarm on most weekends too (watching Book Club at 6:00 a.m. on a Saturday is surprisingly enjoyable).
Being a work-from-home mom, it is easy to get caught up in your to-do list, and find that it’s 4:00 p.m. and you’re still in your pajamas with bed hair. I feel infinitely more productive when I’m dressed. And if I put on shoes and makeup too, I’m unstoppable!
Being a work-from-home mom can be very isolating and lonely. Making time for date night or lunch with friends on the weekend can help you feel connected, encouraged and reinvigorated.
I was evicted from my home office when my son was born and now work from the dining table or kitchen counter most days. Although I myself have not followed this tip for working from home, I realize how important it is. Having a desk is more comfortable and ensures your “office” doesn’t spill out into other parts of your home.
Being a work-from-home mom with my daughter was pretty easy, especially the first year. She played well by herself and took long naps. I had a decent amount of quiet time to really focus. Then I could shift my focus to her when she was awake and needed me. My son, on the other hand, doesn’t believe in alone time or napping. However, I’ve learned he’ll play well by himself right after breakfast and if I want him to nap, it has to be immediately after that. So I do my best to ensure I’m home and keeping that routine for him. Though it may evolve over time, find the routine that works for you and your family.
Though having a routine is key, there will be days where you need to be flexible and go a different route. Sometimes my brain just can’t focus or my son is teething and fussy. Taking some one-on-one time to play with him or getting us out of the house even for an hour helps.
Above all remember, whether you work, stay at home, or work from home, motherhood is challenging. And none of those options are easy. Just do your best, offer yourself some grace and take some time to slow down and enjoy your kids. Regardless of our career choices, time with our kids is finite and lessening by the day. Be sure to kick the routine to the curb every now and then and take time to enjoy them and have some fun!
Which of the 7 tips for work-from-home moms did you find most helpful? Do you have any good tips for moms who work from home? Let us know in the comments below!
These were so helpful. I worked from home for a short time when I was single. Now, after long time I am starting a project, my own kind of business, and it has been challenging to find balance. Indefinitely I need to wake up earlier than my kids and stick with a routine!!! Thank you for the tips!
I’m so happy you found them helpful! It’s definitely an adjustment, but it gets easier once you find a routine that works. Good luck, and let us know if you come up with any of your own tips!
I liked the waking up early tip…it truly does help with those extra moments alone to get a few things done that require more focus. I also think the 5 minutes you spend at night to tidy up is fabulous. I do it in the morning and make the beds but I bet if I incorporate that to my routine my morning might be more efficient. Thank you! And yes, having your own space is ideal. I have a loft area at the top of the stairs for me and my husband’s home office is and we gated it off with those toddler gates so our 3 year old knows she can’t go there! Lol!
So glad you liked the tips! Waking up early is one of the biggest things for me! I need that quiet time haha!
Such great reminders – thank you!
So glad you found them helpful!
These tips are so great! Couldn’t agree more with prepping the night before and getting up earlier than the gang to get a (peaceful) head start!! 🙂
Thanks! You’re great at prepping ahead of time!
These are some great ideas. I find that spending 5 minutes before I shut down work for the day to determine what exactly I will be doing the next day (or work time slot) keeps me very productive. I also try to close the door to my home office so that I am not prompted to think about work stuff once family time has begun. Also, during work time there is no laundry or dish washing or “invisible tasks” that suck time away from my business. If there are family things that need to be done during the work day, I save them for my lunch break.
Thanks! So glad you liked them! I agree about taking a few min. to plan for the next day and not multitasking so much. Definitely helpful.
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