The Gilmore Girls and Our Summer in Stars Hollow


Where you lead, I will follow
Anywhere that you tell me to
If you need, you need me to be with you
I will follow where you lead

–Carole King, Where You Lead
Gilmore Girls
Theme Song

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The Gilmore Girls and Our Summer in Stars Hollow Becky Gonzalez Contributor Miami Moms Blog
Photo by from Pexels

I know that I am VERY late to the Gilmore Girls party.  As far as excuses go, I have a pretty solid one.  The show debuted on October 5, 2000, and ran through May 15, 2007.   I remember hearing about the show and wanting to check it out at some point because it looked like something I’d enjoy. 

Thinking back to what it was that could have kept me from watching such a hit show, it dawned on me why I may not have been able to dive in when it was first released.  I gave birth to our first child just 20 days after Gilmore Girls debuted, and by the time the show ended its run in 2007, I was the homeschooling work-from-home mother of 3 children ages 6, 4, and 2.  The show, which had focused mainly on the relationship between a mother, Lorelai Gilmore, and her daughter, Rory, took a back seat to the relationships this sleep-deprived mother was neck-deep in forming with her own kiddos during the show’s extended time on the air.

Twelve years later    

Fast forward to this summer, 12 years after Gilmore Girls ended.  The wonders of technology and access to video streaming services provided us with a unique opportunity.  As we scrolled through possible shows, my now teenage daughters mentioned seeing Gilmore Girls as an option for our next show to watch.  We decided to check it out. 

If you’ve never seen the show, no worries – I won’t be sharing any spoilers in this post!  I now know why I wasn’t able to watch it before: it had to happen now.  Sure, the season I was in when the show originally aired was not really conducive to adding one more thing to my to-do list, even if that thing was to watch an entertaining television show.  Even more than that very valid and practical reason, sharing the show with my teenage daughters was how it had to happen.  There’s nothing quite like watching a show about a mother and her teenage daughter with your teenage daughters.  We are nearing the end of the third of seven seasons, and we are absolutely loving it!   

The Gilmore Girls and Our Summer in Stars Hollow Becky Gonzalez Contributor Miami Moms Blog
Fun with my teenage daughters

For those that aren’t familiar with the show, Gilmore Girls is set in a small Connecticut town named Stars Hollow.  Quirky and colorful people fill this close-knit community.  It kind of reminds me of Hialeah, without the palm trees, traffic, and Cuban culture.  As with any show dealing with people and relationships, the characters of Gilmore Girls learn and grow with each episode.  Watching the show has taught me a few things about life, love, and relationships. 

“I can be flexible, as long as everything is exactly the way I want it.” – Lorelai Gilmore

Twists and turns fill the journey of a person’s life, and that motherhood life is no exception.  It seems things get shaken up almost as soon as you’ve gotten accustomed to the routine.  The Gilmore Girls, along with their community of colorful characters, are always learning new things about themselves and others as they navigate each change.  Their example of joyful perseverance through the trials of life gives me a fresh perspective and reminds me to strive for the same.

“It’s my responsibility as your best friend to make sure you do exciting things even when you don’t want to.”  – Sookie

Ah, Sookie.  Lorelai’s best friend and one of several strong bonds of love demonstrated on the show.  In life, just like on the show, love in all its varied forms is tested in oh-so-many ways.  It provides fertile ground for growth with each and every test, though.  Sometimes that growth draws you closer, and yet other times it pulls you apart.  So far, Gilmore Girls has provided endearing and heart-wrenching examples of both.  The show’s wide variety of characters that are so incredibly different from one another do not become more alike to love each other better.  They provide wonderful examples of meeting each other where they’re at and loving each other exactly as they are.  God loves us that way, and it’s how we should be loving those around us too.

“Every relationship is just a big honking leap of faith.”  – Rory

Gilmore Girls is mainly focused on the relationship between the mother and daughter duo of Lorelai and Rory.  Their relationship exemplifies honest communication, performed skillfully with incredibly witty banter.  The show also does a great job of demonstrating the intense havoc not having honest communication can inflict on relationships of any kind.  I love their example of second chances (and beyond) that are necessary for any friendship or family relationship to survive.  Honestly sharing with one another, grace and forgiveness, with much quirky humor and laughter provide a wonderful combination.

Lessons Learned from the Gilmore Girls

As you can see, there is much to be learned from the Gilmore Girls about life, love, and relationships.  And I’m not even halfway through the entire show!  

Let’s commit to carving out a little corner of Stars Hollow right here in Miami.  It can be an actual place, you know.  It can be wherever we call home.  Chances are, we’ve already opened up our very own Luke’s Diner, conveniently located right at our dining room table.  Our homes can be that regular place folks turn to, where we’re met with food and friendship, and copious amounts of coffee.

Are you a Gilmore Girls fan?  Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments – no spoilers, please! 



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