How My Vision Board Still Applies 20+ Years Later



It is now July and we have somehow lost sight of our new year’s goals and resolutions. We may have even forgotten where we put that vision board.  But that’s ok because our intention is still there! Let me explain.

In college, I had an assignment of completing a vision board.  Mind you this was way before vision boards became trendy and cool as they are today. Think back to the early ’90s. This assignment must have made quite an impression on my younger self because I vividly remember the process and selection of what was on the vision board.  I also vividly remember the reflecting that went along with it. Now I really wish I would have kept it in a safe place so I could show my friends and family. But of course, my young self could not see the value it would have today.

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What I would be able to show you today is the power of intention.  That silly assignment had all the values I still find important to this day.  How is that possible? I have no idea!

Here is what I remember being on my vision board:

  • A Scale.  There was literally a scale right in the middle of it.  I always was aware of balancing the different areas of life.  At some point, I knew I did not want to be the workaholic that always thought she didn’t have time for anything.
  • A lady exercising.  Health and fitness have always been part of my self-care. As a young girl, my reasons may have been different.  I have done it all from step classes, weights, pilates, tennis, Zumba and CrossFit. Funny but just recently, after about 20 years, I became reacquainted with old-school weightlifting and it was soo nostalgic for me. I feel like my intentions have always been the same.  
  • Family.  I came from a beautiful family and of course, that was part of my vision for my future.
  • Money.  I have always been clear that I would not live my life to make money.  I would use any wealth created to live a life of abundance and grace for my community, my family, and myself.   
  • Suitcase.  I have always had a bit of a hippy wanderlust part of me. As a young girl, I was on a trip or planning the next one.  My first year of marriage we put travel over furniture, dinners, and replacing the mauve carpet with matching blinds. Looking back that was a REALLY good choice.  This year I’m super excited to put travel on the top of my intentions for this year.

So there you have it.  All the buzz we hear today about, manifesting, intentions thru vision boards were true even 20+ years ago.  I have not made a vision board since college. I am not sure I will. But the intentions will stay with me for the next 20 years.

What about you?  Have you made a vision board?  How did it go?