Miami Moms Blog Welcomes: MIA Mom Bruna Knijnik


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Hello, Miami Moms! My name is Bruna.

Bruna and Family Miami Moms Blog Welcomes: MIA Mom Bruna Knijnik

I am from Brazil and have lived in South Florida for the past 2 years.  I grew up in Porto Alegre in southern Brazil, majored in marketing and advertising, and moved to São Paulo when I started my career. Over there, I used to work in fashion retail, more specifically with ladies shoes. I was a buyer. Almost every woman’s dream job, haha. In 2017 my husband and I decided to move to the United States, first because of his job, but second because the quality of life in Brazil has decreased due to the bad economy.

We have 2 boys: Samuel was born in 2013 and Caio in 2016. My husband and I couldn’t be happier about the decision we made to give them a better life and education. We used to come to Miami for the holidays and when I thought about our new life, this city was my first choice. Then, I got to know Weston and fell in love. It is a very small town in Broward County, only 45 minutes away from Miami. And it’s a very good area for families to live, it’s peaceful and has great schools. 

Bruna and Samuel Miami Moms Blog Welcomes: MIA Mom Bruna Knijnik
This is me with Samuel, my oldest son

Here in the U.S., everything is so different from Brazil. Especially as it relates to housework and help with the kids.

Over there we used to work very far from home and had someone to help with cleaning, laundry, food. And a nanny to help with the kids while we were out. Here, we are on our own and so far, this new lifestyle has been filled with many successes and failures. The best thing is that we have total control of our routine and more family time. But we are also more tired and not so open to play.

My hobby is to research and look for events, activities, places, and restaurants to go to with my family. I love to introduce my kids to new environments and I look forward to sharing some of them with y’all here on Miami Moms Blog!  

Bruna and Caio Miami Moms Blog Welcomes: MIA Mom Bruna Knijnik

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And this is me with Caio, my youngest

What I find most endearing about Miami and the area around it is that it is so kid-friendly and filled with so many things to do with our little ones. You can expect funny tips.

About parenting and my kids…

Well, I am an only child and I always imagined that when I became a mommy I would be the mother of a girl who’d be my best friend, as I was with my mom, and we’d go shopping, do manicures, and hair together… But now I am the only woman in the house and mother of two very active boys who probably have more in common with Shrek than with me! People say that soon I will be the queen of the house and I can’t wait for that moment to come, haha.

My two boys don’t look a lot alike at all and have opposite personalities. My oldest, Samuel (5), is so smart, attentive, needy, and can fill a room with his light and energy. Caio (3) is determined, quarrelsome and sweet and cuddly at the same time. Samuel eats everything without question, and Caio is very picky! So different and both so special in their own ways.

Bruna & Sons Miami Moms Blog Welcomes: MIA Mom Bruna Knijnik

Being a mom is not exactly as I expected. It is hard, but it is great, fun and rewarding. I love being a mom and also a wife! The boys in my life make me believe that I can do anything and that I am the glue that sticks our family together. My husband is also so supportive and encourages me in the daily trials and joys of parenting.

I’m excited to be a part of the Miami Moms Blog team and I look forward to being a contributor. I love to meet new people and usually find great friends through my kids, so, I hope to encourage other moms and form some new friendships for myself and my children. 


  1. Que linda, você!!! Que lindos, seus meninos!! Sinto muita saudade mas ao mesmo tempo sinto uma felicidade enorme em acompanhar o quanto a vida de vocês pôde ficar ainda mais feliz!
    Adorei o adjetivo “glue”, tento colar mais minha big family, mas nem sempre com sucesso… Todos sempre juntos, mas podemos ficar ainda mais, caçando programas em que todos se divirtam mais JUNTOS.
    mil beijos pra vcs.
    Parabéns por mais uma investida, Bru.

  2. Carol, que linda mensagem! Fofa voce de ter gasto seu tempo para ler e se dedicar a escrever este comentario, muito obrigada!
    Saudades dos nossos sapatos!
    Mais saudades ainda de vc!
    Love u

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