Miami Moms Blog Welcomes: MIA Mom Maria Arbiol



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Hi! I’m Maria. I was born in Santiago, Chile but came to Miami with my parents when I was two years old (1982!). I am a public school girl and lived within the same 3-mile radius growing up. My love for this city stems from childhood experiences that I now get to share with my boys. My family spent long and lazy Sundays at the beach and hosted birthday parties at Tropical Park. And we, of course, visited all the cool spots in town. From the day life to the nightlife you still find me enjoying all things Miami with my husband and boys by my side. But, aside from all the great things this city has, some of my favorite days are spent in my own backyard at our home in Westchester.  


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When I first met my husband I couldn’t believe that we had gone to the same high school and hadn’t met until my last year in college. Shortly after we met he shared that he wanted to be a stay-at-home dad. He also wanted to drive a minivan and have 7 kids. I was in love! 

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 After 7 years of dating, we finally said our I Dos. We held a beautiful wedding and epic party at a vineyard in Chile. The following year we received the news that our first son was on his way. Luis Mateo was born in December 2012. 8 months later we found out that his brother would join us. Our family grew to four in April 2014.

I knew that my journey into motherhood would be ok with my own mother by my side. Having left her family in Chile when she was 19 she worked hard to build her version of the American dream. She is still the woman who I strive to be. My village of moms, ranging from high school to college friends, kept nothing back as I embarked on my own journey through motherhood. Six years in I am learning every day how to be the best version of myself for them.


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Two years ago I decided to redirect my career and be a wife and mom first. At that time I was working as a school site administrator. When I became a mom the first few years of motherhood were a blur. It took a lot of deep conversations with fellow moms to help me see that this was the best decision for my family.

I decided to go back to the classroom as a teacher at our home school. Two years into my new role I know that I have so much to offer local moms in the areas of education, events, careers and all things 305.  My passion for helping others has always kept me involved in my community. The community of moms in Miami is a group that I hold dear to my heart now that I am raising my boys in our city. I know that together we will continue to encourage, equip and empower all women in our beautiful city. 


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