As a South Florida native and enjoy everything our beautiful city has to offer! I cannot imagine not having the beach, Cuban coffee, and the hustle and bustle of city life right at my fingertips. I love to enjoy the outdoors with my family whenever possible and enjoy Miami’s beautiful “vacation” spots right in our own backyard!
I am a wife, mother of 3, and a nurse practitioner who similar to many Miami moms is juggling various hats and enjoying every moment that comes along. Embracing the good, the bad; the ugly, and all that’s in between!
My husband and I have been married for 11.5 years. I am lucky to say I met my person at the young age of 18 (at a MIAMI HEAT game I might add). Together we have supported each other through undergrad, grad school, careers, and now parenthood! We have 3 beautiful children: Dominic age 9, Kai age 7, and Scarlet age 2, and are living in constant organized chaos. Our journey through parenthood has been quite the adventure. We have gone through 5 pregnancies, 3 births, and a baby born just a couple of months before experiencing a global pandemic. Our family is huge on health, fitness, and overall wellness. You will see us promoting healthy lifestyles on a regular basis, as it is one of our passions. My hope is to be able to use our experiences to connect, encourage and support other members of our community.
Community is something I have always valued ever since I can remember. This stems back to my childhood and growing up in competitive sports (cheer to be exact). I was surrounded by a community where my teammates were like a second family. Because of my experience growing up, I was able to learn the true value and importance of community. As I became a mother, I yearned to find positive, uplifting environments where everyone felt supported. Because after all… it takes a village right?
Naturally, it has been my mission to create a strong community foundation for our family. I constantly seek environments that promote community such as in my children’s school, their competitive sports, my neighborhood, and now Miami Mom Collective. It is a life goal of mine to show others how special it is to be involved, encourage and support one another through life.
Just recently I was grocery shopping in our local Sprouts with my daughter and experienced the most heartwarming act of community unexpectedly. My daughter had a 2-year-old shopping at nap time moment. This included full-blown screaming, rolling on the floor, and just done with shopping tantrum! Without missing a beat, two moms volunteered to help bag and pack my groceries at a checkout line. No questions asked, no expectations–just moms coming together to support one another. This is a memory I hold dear to my heart and wish to promote with Miami Moms Collective.
Tell me, what is one memory of community you hold close to your heart? I’d love to hear from you!
XOXO -Chyna Moc
Welcome Chyna! So happy to have you here and so grateful to have you share a little bit of your life with us! Can’t wait to hear more.
I remember right when I had joined 𝑀𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑖 Mom Collective before we really knew anyone, I needed a last minute costume for my son’s school. Non other than Krystal G. saw my ask on Facebook and generously gave us a Batman costume down to the shoes. She saved me and made my son so happy! I love feeling the sense of community day in and day out all around us.
Hope to meet you soon!
Thank you for making me feel soo welcomed! I am so excited to start connecting /meeting moms in our community! It’s so important we build our village and lift each other through this beautiful season of life!
How amazing is it that another mom was able to save the day with the costume! It’s those little moments/gestures that make the biggest impacts! So heartwarming to hear about that act of kindness from one mama to another! ❤️ Looking forward to meeting!
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