Miami Mom Collective Welcomes MIA Mom Kristin Parke


Miami mamas! 👋 My name is Kristin Parke and I am thrilled to be part of this super special community as a Miami Mom Collective (MMC) Contributor!


I am a South Florida native that loves seeing women grow towards their fullest and leading in their space! I love the ocean, food from all over the world, I like to experience and learn about different cultures, authentic conversations, and good coffee (can you be from Miami and write for a blog and not love coffee?!). God knew what he was doing when he had me grow up and grow roots in South Florida. To live in South Florida is to live in paradise! I grew up in South Florida and I still choose to stay. 

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I am a SAHWM and I have the pleasure of working for an international non-profit overseeing marketing for the North America division.

Kristin with her family (Miami Mom Collective Welcomes MIA Mom Kristin Parke Contributor)Mom

I have had the wonderful blessing of being married to an incredible man named Tommy for the past 10 years and we have enjoyed living all of those years in South Florida. We had our miracle baby girl in 2019 after trying for four years to get pregnant. The wait and the pain that comes with wanting a child and experiencing infertility is so tough. I can relate and my heart goes out to the mamas who have that pain. I am a person of faith and in my experience, it was my faith in God that helped me walk through really difficult times in my life (including this past year during the COVID-19 pandemic) while still helping me to be present and encourage others. 

Together, Tommy and I love pouring into other couples and young professionals and enjoy regularly leading couples through pre-marital counseling. I believe that out of our experiences comes the ability to walk alongside others to celebrate, mourn, and encourage. I see writing as a contributor for MMC as just that: walking alongside other moms in Miami like myself, meeting them in different parts of their journey to offer encouragement, helpful resources, learning from others, and of course having some fun!

I really respect that MMC doesn’t shy away from the “hard topics,” and wants to be a community that offers encouragement through both the hard and happy times. My desire is that Miami moms will find support and experience community in a real way through MMC. I want to see moms live their fullest life now, despite current circumstances. You will see my writing lean towards those topics and I hope you are encouraged to continue on in your journey with the amazing way you were designed!

Kristin and her daughter (Miami Mom Collective Welcomes MIA Mom Kristin Parke Contributor)


My first exposure to MMC was this blog which is why I am so excited to now be a contributor. I have been encouraged and inspired and I am thankful to now be part of the team that offers that same support to other Miami moms. I love encouraging moms like myself who are learning as we go. I wholeheartedly believe we were created for community and thrive best when we have our tribe around us! 

This past year has been so incredibly tough. And I feel that now more than ever community, although it may look different at times, is vital.

I have heard the critics (you may have also) but I do believe South Florida is a great place to raise a child, and to not just survive but to thrive as a woman and mom. It does take effort in the very fast-paced nature of South Florida to experience real community, which is why I am so thankful for MMC!

I love exploring my city but now as a mom, it is so fun to experience Miami through my daughter. I would love to hear from you. What’s been your favorite activity to see your child(ren) explore in Miami?

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Kristin Parke
As a native, Kristin loves living in South Florida with her husband and miracle daughter. As an Enneagram 7, she enjoys being spontaneous and is fueled by being with others and a good coffee! Her Type-A personality enjoys a good checklist which is helping a lot these days as she embraces the beautiful chaos of being a new mom! SAHWM, Kristin holds an MBA in International Business and works in PR & Marketing for a national nonprofit. Kristin likes to keep it real in a culture of counterfeit and considers community not just nice but necessary. She believes we are all uniquely designed with amazing gifts and enjoys encouraging women to fully utilize those gifts! Follow and connect with her at @kristinparke.


  1. Welcome Kristin! I loved reading your into post and I can’t wait to see all your future posts ❤️ Also I agree miami, blogging, and loving good coffee go hand in hand 🙂

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