Miami Mom Collective Welcomes MIA Mom Meredith Kallaher

Meredith and her family at the beach Miami Mom Collective Welcomes MIA Mom Meredith Kallaher Contributor
The Kallahers love Miami

Hellllooooo Miami! My name is Meredith Kallaher. I am a mom of 3 teenagers named Charlie, Chloe, and Anna Kate, a wife to Vince, and a business leader who helps other business owners grow their reach and EXPLODE their sales by creating their brand stories and telling those stories online with digital advertisements.

I am so happy to make your acquaintance.


10 years ago we packed our 3 itty bitty children, then 3, 5, and 7, and all of our earthly belongings into a moving truck and headed from Dallas to the tropics for a new job opportunity my husband could not pass up! We fell in love with Miami. We enjoy the sunshine, the beach, the water, the diversity, and all the pleasures that this thriving city has to explore!


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I am an only child, which has its perks! I have always enjoyed the undivided attention of my adoring native Texan parents (who still live in Dallas). Growing up, I did wonder what it would be like to be part of a BIG FAMILY. Now I feel blessed to have married into the large Italian/Irish Kallaher clan from Memphis. I have 6 brothers and sisters-in-law, 8 nieces and nephews, 6 great-nieces and nephews, a father-in-law with a steely Clint Eastwood demeanor, and a very spunky mother-in-law who keeps us all on our toes! My 3 children are so proud to be part of this loud, rambunctious, and loving bunch.


Community is very important to me. I have taken all of the personality tests and am definitely an extroverted EXTROVERT. My “cup is filled” by spending time with interesting people, sharing and listening to their stories, and learning from their perspectives. I like to have FUN with friends! I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of Miami Mom Collective and look forward to sharing our stories with you!

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Meredith Kallaher
Meredith Kallaher is a Texas native who adores Miami, her home of almost 10 years, where she lives with her 3 teenagers and husband Vince. To cope with the stresses of moving with toddlers across country to a city where she knew no one but her husband’s new boss, Meredith started writing a blog: “Meredith in Miami” which provided an awesome creative outlet and gave Meredith reason to explore her new town, meet people and share what she found with both new and old friends. The success of this blog led to her purchase of The Scout Guide Miami, a franchised publication guided by the principle that everything you need to live a well-curated life can be found within your own community. Ultimately she opened an agency, Meredith Kallaher Marketing, LLC where she helps business owners use conversion copy and digital advertisements to expand their reach and explode their sales.


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