Hurricane Season: 3 Tips to Help You Be Prepared


Level 6 of Jumanji: June 1st Marks The Beginning of Hurricane Season

It’s that time again, friends! The beginning of June also marks the beginning of Miami’s most dreaded time: HURRICANE SEASON. As the memes and the jokes continue to spread through our Instagram feeds and Facebook posts, this really is starting to feel like LEVEL 6 of Sony’s beloved film, Jumanji. I have found comfort in remembering these 3 tips as hurricane season approaches. I hope it gives you comfort and a bit of knowledge as well. 

Hurricane Season: 3 Tips to Help You Be Prepared Krystal Giraldo Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Tip 1: Stock Up On Supplies

I think its safe to say that us Miamians are basically pros at this stocking up thing. We have been in quarantine and on stock up mode since mid-March of this year. Stocking up on supplies since the beginning of quarantine looked a lot like the beginning of hurricane season. From lack of toilet paper to limits on bleach and Lysol wipes, we may have a lot of the suggested supplies already in our homes. Use some of this “spare time” to take inventory of what we have and take note of what such items we don’t.

WSVN Channel 7 proclaims themselves as Miami’s Storm Station and they have a wonderful, detailed list of must-haves that can be found here. Publix is also a great source of information and has created its own list of must-haves and tips on what to do before and after any potential hurricane and/or tropical storm and that can be found here

Tip 2: Organize and Keep Track of Your Important Documents

Keeping track of your important documents and keeping them organized is something that should be done even outside of hurricane season. My brother learned this the hard way when we were about to board our family cruise 2 years ago. He made it all the way to the Port of Miami only to have to go all the way back home because he left his passport. In short, don’t be like my brother. Treat the organization of your documents as you would if you were going on vacation. 

I found a simple and practical expandable folder from Target like this. It doesn’t have to be fancy or pretty (but kudos if it is!). It just needs to be plastic, big enough for your family’s needs and kept somewhere safe for easy access. Not only will you be ready for the possibility of a hurricane or tropical storm, but we’ll be ready for those future vacations and know exactly where it is! For reasons, better or for worse.

Hurricane Season: 3 Tips to Help You Be Prepared Krystal Giraldo Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Tip 3: Come Up With a Safety Plan

Safety plans are nothing new and essential to our everyday lives. We have them at our place of employment, we have them when we go out with our families. And like the stocking up tip, we have been abiding by safety plans across the state since mid-March while in quarantine. Hurricane safety plans should be no different.

In our family, we are fortunate enough to have an exit plan if and/or when the threat of a hurricane and/or tropical storm approaches. We have family who are willing to take us in when such event happens who live in North, South, East AND West Miami. Although a hurricane and tropical storm paths can be anything but predictable, we rely heavily on our village and The Weather Channel to help lead the way. And we make sure that all parties are “clued in” on our plan.

This applies to my family now, because we are living in an apartment that we rent. Therefore, we have found it in our best interest to be closer to family and out of the apartment. Remember, you have to do what is best for you and your

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family. I strongly suggest being on the same page with your partner, household members, and/or other village members prior to any possible evacuation orders or states of emergency. Write it down, along with other important phone numbers and addresses. Keep them with your important documents as suggested in tip #2. 

Stay Positive, Be Prepared and Be Safe

With everything that we have had to endure in this challenging time with COVID-19, staying positive, and being safe can sound like a really difficult thing to do. But so did quarantine life and look how much our community and city has progressed. We have to remember that living in a place that doesn’t snow comes with its fair share of Mother Nature’s flaws. But positivity and being prepared can make any challenge just a little bit safer



    • Thank you for always encouraging us, Cierra! The tips really apply to multiples parts of my Type A personal life! I’m hoping it helps some Mommas feel a little more prepared.

  1. Honestly, I was a little scared to read this but this actually made me feel better! Simple steps to stay prepared. Hopefully prepared for NOTHING to happen so we can laugh about it later. Thank you!

    • Lol! Now that I think about it, I couldn’t find a single not scary hurricane portrayed picture! I’m hoping the content was a little more easy on the heart than the features picture and words were on the eyes! Thank you for always supporting me, my friend!

  2. Thanks Krystal for these tips… I Was feeling so overwhelemed… really all this and nowwww hurricane season… i couldn ‘t even wrap my head around preparing for this! Reading this actually helped calm that overwhelm though, thank you! Bring on Jumanji level 6!

    • So happy it helped calm you down a bit. I think we’ve proven to ourselves and that we’re pretty AWESOME and POWERFUL Mommas. Whatever life throws, WE got this!

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