Miami Moms Blog Welcomes: MIA Mom Kristin Nicole Carrera


Hello Miami Moms, my name is Kristin Nicole Carrera. 

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More than just a Stay At Home Mom

I was born and raised in Miami. I have a passion for helping others, fitness, health, non-toxic products, essential oils and food. Yes food, I love to eat which is why I balance it out with working out and eating healthyish… It’s all about balance right?

I’m a stay at home mom of two boys ages 4.5 and 1.5 years old. I never thought I would be a boy mom, but I absolutely love it. Being a stay at home mom was what I always wanted to be. I was lucky enough that my husband supports this and that he supports any other crazy ideas I’ve had to make a side income. 

Miami Moms Blog Welcomes: MIA Mom Kristin Nicole Carrera Contributor

Let’s start from the beginning

I received my Bachelors degree in Psychology. I’ve always loved the idea of learning about the mind and helping others. When I decided to switch my major, I knew that I wanted to still help people but in a different way. I wanted to write, I wanted to help people with the words that others can read and hear with their mind and heart. I know it sounds cheesy, but I’ve literally had a passion for writing since I was 15 years old. So my Masters degree is in New Media Journalism. I know what you’re thinking, “Journalism?” Well, I didn’t really want to do the journalism part, but most companies wanted a degree in writing or journalism in order to be a writer. So this is what I did and I finished strong.

Becoming a mom

When my first son was born I started to realize that all the products we were using were so toxic, including candles. (GASP). I know, I know, I felt the same way. But if you do your research, you will be as shocked as I was. I started researching and fell in love with essential oils and all the benefits. I started sharing my journey and helping others make the change. 

Kristin Nicole Pregnant with Baby C #1

Fast Forward 3 years…

When my second son was born my body changed. I had that mom pouch that wouldn’t go away, stretch marks and wrinkles. I didn’t feel like myself and I knew that I needed to make a change. Not only for myself but for my family. I was always the type of person who would go to the gym and then pay for a membership that I wasn’t using. I would do zumba, yoga, pilates, or whatever class I could get a deal on for the month. Then I wouldn’t workout for months to years. But I realized something. I realized that when you truly want something bad enough, you do it!

I fell in love with fitness and helping others become the best version of themselves. Yes, me! Can you believe it? The one with excuses like, “I’m too tired, I’m too busy, I can’t workout with the baby, I don’t like to workout, I hate weights, I hate cardio.” I mean seriously, the list goes on. When I made the change, something in me changed. I decided to become a fitness and wellness coach. I decided to become a better version of myself, not only for myself but for my family.

Kristin Nicole Pregnant with Baby C #2

This is me

I’m an open book, you can ask me anything. I also have hyperthyroidism and I suffer from anxiety and depression. But, I refuse to let it win. I am determined to beat it.  I fight it everyday and I share my story because I want more than anything for others to know they aren’t alone in this journey. You aren’t the only one feeling what you’re feeling. I love to meditate and use crystals.

I’m just a mom trying her best to live her best life. Just like you, all we can do is our best. 

My Jobs


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Job 2. Freelance. I freelance as a ghost writer and I love helping others grow their social media platforms as a social media manager.

Job 3. I help my husband with his lighting distribution business and manage his Instagram account.

Job 4. My side hustle business as a health and wellness coach. This is probably one of my favorite. I know, I know, shouldn’t job number 2 be my favorite? Of course I love to write but remember my first passion about helping others? Well this is it. I help others not only on their healthy journey but it’s more than that. It’s helping others become a better version of themselves, helping them become confident about who they are inside and out. And the best part, I make new friends along the way. 

Job 5. Podcast with the hubs. This one is just fun! I’ve been wanting to do a podcast for years. We kept talking about it but always pushed it to the back burner. This year 2020, I said ENOUGH! We are doing this and we are going all in. So, we did!

Job 6. Miami Moms Blog Contributor. Another great achievement in the books and I’m so excited to contribute in any way I can. 

So, this is me. My name is Kristin Nicole Carrera, boy mom, mompreneur, writer, fitness and wellness coach, daughter, sister, friend. One thing does not define us. We make our own journey and our own story. So let’s make it count. 

You can follow Kristin’s journey over on Instagram

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Kristin Carrera
Hi, my name is Kristin Nicole Carrera. I’m a stay at home mom of two boys. I’m what I like to call a mompreneur, I freelance on the side, I help my husband with his business and I have my side hustle as a wellness and health coach. I am trying to do my best to be healthy & use non-toxic products. I fell in love with fitness, essential oils and helping others become the best version of themselves. I am growing each day and working on becoming the best version of me! I’m an open book, ask me anything. I suffer from hyperthyroidism, anxiety and depression. I fight it every day and I share my story because I want more than anything for others to know they aren’t alone in this journey. You aren’t the only one feeling what you’re feeling.


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