
Jackie Aviles is a Latina Author, Speaker and Licensed coach who communicates hope from a biblical perspective. After receiving a terminal cancer diagnosis, she committed her life to stand beside those grieving through painful circumstances, for the sake of others' encouragement. Her passion is to see women taking God at His word, experiencing hope and unleashing it into the spaces around them. She’s also a pastor's wife and mom of two currently living in Miami, Florida. . Learn more about Jacquelyn on: Instagram @Jackie_Aviles and on Facebook: @pressedbutnotcrushed
Image: A woman stands with her back to a wall, looking down at the ground

The Redemptive Work of Unmerited Suffering: What I’m Learning

Unmerited Suffering Suffering is unavoidable. For me, it was infertility, constant anxiety and depression, the chronic illnesses that wouldn’t let me live in peace. It was because Jesus, who undeservedly endured the pain and suffering...
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Early Detection in Your 20's, 30's, & 40's Miami Mom Collective Jackie Aviles

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Early Detection in Your 20’s, 30’s, & 40’s

Did you know that breast cancer will impact one-in-eight women in their lifetime? Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month many women like myself, under the age of 40, are reckoning with the top risks...
Sexual Abuse: How to Protect Our Children From It Jackie Aviles Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Sexual Abuse: How to Protect Our Children From It

She was only 13 when it happened. Behind closed doors, she was trapped. He was twice her size and had been one of the most trustworthy guys in her school. The last person she...
Prayer: The Most Essential and Important Parenting Tool Jackie Aviles Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Prayer: The Most Essential and Important Parenting Tool

I love woodworking. Sometimes I even pretend I'm Joanna Gaines and try to remodel my entire bathroom. Who's with me? I quickly come back to reality when I find myself hammering a screw into...
jordan-whitt-145327-unsplash Autism: A Lesson in Love From a Mom and Her "Special Son" Jackie Aviles Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Autism: A Lesson in Love From a Mom and Her “Special Son”

The Weary Mom I was at the mall when I saw him gleaning across the store. A 10-year old little boy with autism, rocking back and forth. Glazed eyes, he was scratching his skin incessantly...
Image: A mother with her sons

Infertility: When What We Most Value is Taken Away From Us

My Backstory of Infertility My story of infertility is unusual. It's not the story of a barren woman who tried for years to get pregnant. It's not the story heard often or considered seriously once...
Vacation: How Make Long-Lasting Connections with Your Children Jackie Aviles Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Vacation: How to Make Long-Lasting Connections with Your Children

What if taking a vacation brought out the most impactful ways to grow our relationships with our children? I once thought that to have a fun, relaxing and refreshing vacation I had to be alone--most...
Mothering Through Cancer: 3 Ways to Cure the Perfect Mom Syndrome Miami Moms Blog

Mothering Through Cancer: 3 Ways to Cure the Perfect Mom Syndrome

No One is Perfect & Motherhood is Messy It's just one of those mornings when your kids decide to wake up and complain about breakfast, still in their pajamas, not cooperating at all. The clock...
Finding Your Identity Through the Process of Suffering Miami Moms Blog

Suffering: Finding Your Identity Through the Process

  Aisle 8 "I can't help but think this cancer is ruining my kids," I cried to the lady standing in aisle 8 of the grocery store. I felt like a total failure as a mom....

What About Her? 3 Things for Moms in the Snare of Comparison

" Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another...