
Marielena is the founder of Jesmart Children Development, an educational consultative agency that provides free advice to parents, and educators to promote children’s success. She began her career as an Early Childhood educator in Venezuela where she is originally from. After moving to Florida, she opened a Family Child Care Center, later she became an Early Childhood assessor and trainer. As an assessor, she has observed thousands of children and educators across the state of Florida. Marielena’s #1 job is being a mom to Johana whom she had at the young age of 18. Her daughter shares her passion for education and graduated with double majors from American University in D.C., and has started a Master’s program at Harvard University. Marielena completed her Master of Education at Nova Southeastern University. She has a missionary soul, guided by God, that loves to travel, and spend time with her family.
Keeping Our Children Safe During the Summer--“Better Safe Than Sorry” Marielena Aguilar Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Keeping Our Children Safe During the Summer

The school year is over, summer is here, and vacations have begun. June is dedicated to reducing the leading causes of injuries nationwide. In fact, it is recognized as National Safety Month. Children at Home...
Shaken Baby Syndrome: Understanding Head Trauma in Infants Miami Mom Collective

Síndrome del bebé sacudido: entendiendo el trauma cerebral en los bebés

Click here to read the English language version of this post. Imagínate que saltas de un avión y caes hacia nuestra amada madre Tierra  Tu cuerpo físico está en caída libre, pero tu mente alcanzó el...
Shaken Baby Syndrome: Understanding Head Trauma in Infants Miami Mom Collective

Shaken Baby Syndrome: Understanding Head Trauma in Infants

Imagine jumping out of a plane and plummeting down to our beloved Mother Earth. Your physical body is free falling, but your mind reached the elusive state of flow. A higher level of consciousness where...
Los 7 errores más comunes del lavado de manos que pueden costar la vida de nuestros seres amados Handwashing: Seven Common Mistakes People Make Marielena Aguilar Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Handwashing: Seven Common Mistakes People Make

Haz clic aquí para leer este artículo en español Even though we regularly wash our hands, we could still have germs and transmit or contract diseases. Let’s look at the proper procedure behind successful prevention.  Today, handwashing is...
Los 7 errores más comunes del lavado de manos que pueden costar la vida de nuestros seres amados Handwashing: Seven Common Mistakes People Make Marielena Aguilar Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Los 7 errores más comunes del lavado de manos que pueden costar la vida...

Click here to read the English language version of this post ¿Por qué si nos lavamos las manos, todavía nos quedan gérmenes y podemos transmitir y contraer enfermedades? Hoy en día, el lavado de las manos...
Convirtiendo el estrés tóxico de las festividades en disciplina positiva Positive Discipline: A GPS to Help You Avoid Stress During the Holidays Marielena Aguilar Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Convirtiendo el estrés tóxico de las festividades en disciplina positiva

EL GPS de la disciplina positiva que te evitará preocupaciones Ya se acercan las festividades de fin de año, la Navidad, celebraciones en el trabajo, reuniones familiares, sólo por nombrar algunas. En esta época, nuestra...
Convirtiendo el estrés tóxico de las festividades en disciplina positiva Positive Discipline: A GPS to Help You Avoid Stress During the Holidays Marielena Aguilar Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Positive Discipline: A GPS to Help You Avoid Stress During the Holidays

Your GPS for practicing positive discipline, enjoying the holidays in a stress-free home, and creating wonderful memories in your children's hearts.   The end of the year festivities are approaching us. Christmas, celebrations at work,...
Brain Development: How Breastfeeding Stimulates Your Child's Senses

Brain Development: How Breastfeeding Stimulates Your Child’s Senses

To read a version of this post in Spanish click here. Do you remember a time when you had a lesson about the five senses at school? During the observations that I frequently perform at childcare...
Brain Development: How Breastfeeding Stimulates Your Child's Senses

Desarrollo del cerebro: Estrategias para estimular los sentidos del bebé durante la lactancia materna

Para leer la versión en inglés haz click aquí ¿Recuerdas cuándo recibiste la clase de los cinco sentidos en tu escuela? ¿Por qué esperar tantos años si se pueden estimular los sentidos del bebé desde el...
Keeping Our Children Safe During the Summer--“Better Safe Than Sorry” Marielena Aguilar Contributor Miami Moms Blog

¿Cómo mantener a los niños seguros durante el verano?

To read this post in English, click here. ¡El verano ha llegado y las vacaciones han comenzado! ¿Cómo mantener a los niños seguros durante el verano? "Más vale prevenir que lamentar." Niños en casa = mentes...