As a Mom-owned small business we understand firsthand how the global pandemic can impact business. Recent research shows that over 50% of small businesses with employees (that's 4 million businesses) face immediate or near-term risks due to the pandemic....
Su primer cumpleaños, un día en Disney o la hora del baño. Tu hijo y esa sonrisa suya tan auténtica. Ojalá pudiéramos detener el tiempo. Sacas tu smartphone del bolsillo, disparas la foto... Vaya, ni por asomo esa foto capta...
These last few weeks of quarantine have been very challenging for all of us. I am pretty sure that when we rang in the year 2020, NO ONE would have expected the first couple of months to turn out...
Being quarantined is not all fun. But there are many parts of it that opened my family's eyes. We have definitely learned many new things about each other and about the world we live in. I know we will...
Being a parent to a special needs child is especially trying at this season of our lives. But there is good and bad to this situation with COVID-19, quarantine, and distance learning. One thing is for sure: we are...
To my patients and coworkers who expressed concern and supported me when I was throwing up at work during my first trimester, thank you. To the random person in a waiting room I never knew telling me to be strong...
Teacher Appreciation Week is the first week of May. Corona has canceled so many things. Birthday parties, weddings, so many special events. However, to quote our own Becky Salgado, "The parties may be canceled, but the celebrations are not!"  Teachers are...
It’s a confusing and frustrating time filled with uncertainty, rough transitions, and lots of firsts for many of us. Maybe it’s working from home or not working at all. We’re depleting our energy trying to adjust to our new...
If anyone enjoys Cuban cuisine, then you need this recipe for black beans! When developing this recipe, I decided to go a bit on the easy route and use canned beans. If you want to go the extra mile...
For many of us, this weekend marks 6 weeks of quarantine.  In some ways, our experiences have been the same as we walk through this shared traumatic event as human beings on planet Earth in the midst of a...

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Guide To Miami

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...