I always love a good DIY project. And whenever there's a holiday coming up I find myself looking at Pinterest for some good DIY ideas. I really love the whole process. From scrolling through the internet, making a plan,...
A Social Distancing Birthday Party Guide is a guide we never thought we would have to make. However, during this unprecedented time in our lives we feel it's important to keep celebrating (socially distanced, of course!) As Mamas, we understand...
Parties may be canceled, but celebrations are not! That's my mantra right now. With social distancing and shelter-in-place orders, it may feel impossible to enjoy the festivities. But now more than ever, it's important to remember that there is...
So, we are staying home for (at least) another month and have to celebrate the holiday without our extended family. Is anyone else kind of stressed?? If you are like me, you usually leave the cooking to your awesome...
En las últimas semanas mi rutinas diaria se han visto alterada de manera dramática. Un virus dañino que se propaga por contacto humano nos ha obligado a permanecer en cuarentena en nuestras casas. Y si bien mi rutina es...
Mark your calendars mamas, the universe has answered all our savory wishes. On April 8th, we celebrate National Empanada Day! It was 1988 when a little 5-year-old girl was sleeping in her bed until suddenly, she was awakened by this...
About two years ago I changed the way my family and I do Easter. Since then, it’s become my favorite holiday. Now I anticipate Easter, much like we do with Christmas, but without all the pressure to RSVP to all...
Introduction to Passover Passover (Pesach) is a major Jewish holiday that commemorates how the Jewish people went free from slavery in Egypt. In the Jewish calendar, Passover lasts eight nights from the 15th day of the month of Nisan and...
April was deemed National Child Abuse Prevention Month by The Children's Bureau with efforts to help raise awareness of child abuse and neglect nationally. Unfortunately, the number of children being abused and/or neglected continues to go up. And there...
Have you completed the 2020 Census yet? If not, it is not too late. For the first time, you can complete your census by mail, phone or online. The 2020 Census is the first U.S. census to offer a...

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Guide To Miami

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...