Scattered on the street corners and bus stops throughout Miami.  Sleeping under overpasses, and carrying everything they own in a shopping cart.  Holding up tattered signs, and asking for help.  We catch glimpses of homelessness in Miami all around...
I work... I really don't have time for this. So, Mama, you're working, cooking, cleaning, and planning activities for the family and now your child's PTA wants you to volunteer. Say what?! Okay, take it easy and let's get to how...
Que mamãe aí já ouviu esta expressão: Nasce uma mãe, nasce um coque? E levante a mão a mãe que nunca se rendeu a este penteado? Se procurarmos no dicionário, uma das traduções da palavra coque é cacho de cabelo...
On Friday, October 25, parents and kids took advantage of the Miami-Dade County Public School's Teacher Planning Day and headed over to Marina Kids Park for Miami Moms Blog's 1st Annual Hanging with Heroes Event! Event Host Sponsor First of all,...
Cookies with Santa was a huge success! Thank you for attending! >> VIEW PHOTOS BELOW<< To view photos please select your location below: Friday, December 6, 2019 at Key Biscayne Presbyterian School  Saturday, December 7, 2019 (10AM-2PM) at Mercedes-Benz of Cutler Bay Sunday, December...
Lancheira Low Carb Bruna Knijnik Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Lancheira Low Carb

Ola Miami Moms, tudo bem? Meu filho, de 5 anos, está precisando perder um pouquinho de peso. Sem que ele perceba, estou enviando lancheiras low carb para os almoços e lanches na escola. Como ele é uma criança, não estou...
STOP! Read this blog again before ordering any meals at McDonald's, Burger King or Wendy’s! Look, when you are on a road trip, eating out is usually inevitable. Even if you are staying with family or have a hotel suite...
My family and I recently had the opportunity to stay at Magic Village Yards, and I have to say, we were impressed. From the roomy accommodations to the on-site dining and kid-friendly facilities, we are already planning on going...
Momlife is something that can consume you before you even realize it. Your life revolves around this tiny little human now. You lack sleep, you have to clean the house, make dinner, and the list can go on and...
Before I became a mom, I swore I’d NEVER own a minivan. I also had this image in my mind of a balanced, mostly tech-free lifestyle. Oh, and my kids would eat TONS of veggies, too! From Corporate Go-Getter to...

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Guide To Miami

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...