Aside from feeling my babies' kicks, ultrasounds were among my favorite pregnancy experiences. I saw them as precious visits with my little ones, and I definitely didn't hate the extra ones I had with my daughter due to my...
Passover. The time of year when we say bye-bye brownies and hello matzah brie! For a whole week, Jews will celebrate the freedom of our people from the Egyptian Pharaoh. We gather together for seders to retell the story...
I am convinced one of Dante's levels of hell is the waiting room of an IVF office. The anxiety and fear coming from everyone in the room is intoxicating. Yet we all just sit, mindlessly scrolling on our phones....
The 54th Earth Day is on April 22nd. Although it’s just one day a year, we have to care for this Earth we live on the same way we care for ourselves daily! This Earth Day’s theme is “Planet...
MOM STRONG is Miami Mom Collective’s health and wellness initiative. We are excited to bring you monthly health and wellness events and digital content themes to help you grow in prioritizing yourself and your family wherever you are in your health and wellness...
As a mom, it's easy to prioritize your family's needs over your own, but that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your sense of style. Keeping up with fashion trends as a mom may seem challenging, but with a...
Can you imagine waiting 25 years to become a mom? There was a couple in the Bible that waited a very long time to see a promise fulfilled - to become mom and dad. This story is powerful and has...
Books are a great way to teach kids and get them excited about Passover. April 22nd marks the beginning of the holiday commemorating the story of Exodus. The time when the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt.  It's a...
As a working mom that WFH (works from home) a couple days a week, I’m always trying to keep my workspace clutter-free. Yes, easier said than done. It is just so easy to throw mail, magazines, progress reports, business...
It's amazing where an online rabbit hole can take you. Lately, I've learned about axolotls (you can see them at Zoo Miami!), the legend of Cantuña via Circle Round, and foods that boost the health of teeth and gums....

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Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...