Self-care. It's been a buzz word for a couple of years now, and understandably so. Especially when it comes to us moms, right?!  There's good reason for that. We moms are often the last ones on our priority list. Most...
About a year ago, my husband and I looked at a 14th-floor apartment in the Design District. The square footage was less than what we needed, but that view made it tough to turn down. I imagined using the...
It’s almost fall ladies, however, we probably won’t see fall temperatures at all in Miami. That doesn't mean that we can’t enjoy the hottest fall fashion trends. This fall/winter season is eclectic, full of spice and everything nice. One...
What on earth do we do for after school activities when our kids are distance learning? We made it through part 1 of the new school year for 2020. We figured out what our school year, semester or quarter would...
Rosh Hashanah (literally translated head of the year) is the Jewish New Year. This year, we celebrate this high holy day at nightfall on September 18th. You may be asking, Why would anyone celebrate New Years in Fall?" The...
STEPFAMILIES HELP SHAPE PEOPLE You'd be surprised how difficult it is to find "pictures" or "research" on stepfamilies! This is surprising to me, considering how common it seems nowadays. I remember growing up, begging my mom to use her maiden...
Being a mom is often said to be the toughest job in the world and it is for a good reason! There are countless things to do and it may feel very lonely at times. 1. Get adequate sleep. Naps, without...
Conceiving wasn't the easiest for us but my pregnancy was (for the most part), and I was able to indulge as I pleased without any medical worries. I ended up gaining about 60 lbs by the time the girls...
Grandparents Day recognizes and celebrates the importance of the elderly and their unique contributions to family and community. The founder of this special celebration in the United States was Marian McQuade.  In each country, Grandparents Day is celebrated in different...
This article is sponsored by Wicked Uncle. We hope you enjoy learning about this unique online toy boutique. My oldest child is a 3 year old girl so as we begin to add toys to our collection we are learning together! Since...

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Guide To Miami

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...