Who doesn’t want their children to be bilingual? Living in Miami, a city with such a strong Hispanic influence, it’s easy to assume that children are bilingual by default. But the reality is that there are more and more...
Aaah, it's finally here.  The new year.  So many things to look forward to and goals to reach.  Finances, health, fitness, organization, and spiritual growth are areas many of us think of when we consider what we want to...
How Practicing Gratefulness Can Translate Into Mindfulness The holiday season is for creating memories, spending time with family and friends and giving thanks for all the blessings that we have received, those blessings that sometimes we take for granted. I firmly...
Raise your hand if... your child got frustrated with you and whined because they had to finish a task. And then YOU became frustrated as you had to coax, convince, coerce... “just a few more minutes,” “you’re almost done..." ...
What if taking a vacation brought out the most impactful ways to grow our relationships with our children? I once thought that to have a fun, relaxing and refreshing vacation I had to be alone--most importantly, with no kids. I...
Motherhood. There are so many definitions of this but none prepare you for what's ahead in raising kids. I became a mom when I was 40. I figured I had plenty of time to be the ultimate auntie to many...
By Rosa de Morais Each year, November is recognized as National Adoption Awareness Month, with a special focus on the adoption of children currently in foster care. Throughout the month we come across content promoting adoption. In several places we...
Homelessness. It's not easy to talk about, but it is imperative that we not ignore when our children have questions. His eyes seemed vacant, his clothes dark brown, hair disheveled, skin leathery brown, his bones stuck out and his smile...
My eldest daughter Mia became a big sister to a new baby a year ago. Though it’s been a big transition for all of us, I’m happy to report that she absolutely loves her younger brother. Yes, they do...
I'm the mom of an only child, and being an only child myself, I feel focused on him all the time. So many times I listen to my mother's voice telling me to,  "Behave and be polite!" Now I'm...

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Guide To Miami

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...