Living in South Florida automatically submerges you into a diverse community of people from different cultures and backgrounds.  Miami is also unofficially known as the capital of Latin America, considering it’s relatively close to Latin American countries. Hence, Spanish...
What do you do when your child brings home his colorful artwork or “Letter A” worksheet from school?  When your child puts crayon to paper he is exercising many new skills. He is attempting to color inside the lines, draw...
We all love Miami because of the beaches and all of the amazing opportunities to get out on the water,  but is all this safe for our kids? Since we moved to this city my son has been surrounded by...
Do you love kids?  Does your heart break when you see a lonely child looking for comfort?  If the answer is yes to either of these questions, let me challenge you to consider exploring foster care.    Foster parents come from many...
Start with the why. Start with the why because when you’re working with children, you can get so caught up in the how and the what that you lose sight of your purpose.  What you do and how you do it...
When I was little, I would help my grandma who raised me do chores around the house. I’d sweep, do laundry, fold clothes and help her with the dishes. I felt so proud to be able to contribute and...
Have you ever thought that being a mother was exhausting? Did you ever think that you were never going to sleep again in your life? What about taking a shower while looking at your newborn and trying to listen if your...
The death of a loved one is never something easy to cope with. As adults we have our own means of grieving with loss and it's something we learn with time and experience. Yet, even adults have a hard...
Saturday morning "special time" with my 5-year old son is a highlight of my week.  This tradition started several months ago, when we realized he was having a hard time adjusting to life with his baby sister.  My constant...
When I first had my son, I had a long list of lofty intentions, most of which went down the drain once the reality of motherhood kicked in. Zero screen time, vegetables with every meal, classical music playing in...

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Guide To Miami

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...