Pregnancy is the most beautiful journey for a woman. And although we all take different routes, and sometimes things don’t go as we plan or imagine them, they are still beautiful in their own way.
Though I was considered high-risk because I was carrying twins, I had a normal and smooth pregnancy. From very early on, my doctor informed us that I would most likely only make it to 37 weeks of pregnancy because twins always come early. My husband and I accepted it and took it week by week.
One night we were out on a date and I suddenly started experiencing what felt like period cramps. I ignored them and went on with my night because they were tolerable. An hour later, the cramps hadn’t gone away so I decided to text my doctor and see what she would suggest. Needless to say, I ended up in the ER and I was in preterm labor.
I was only 30 weeks! How could this be possible?
I was quickly administered magnesium to help stop the contractions, and steroids to strengthen the babies’ lungs in case of early delivery. They were able to stop my preterm labor but I was admitted and spent a whole week in the hospital with on and off contractions. On the seventh day, with no signs of contractions, I was finally discharged and put on strict bed rest at home. I needed to reach 34 weeks. I was already 31 + 2, so 3 more weeks and this nightmare would end.
That same night, I woke up around 3:00am with cramps. I thought I would sleep through them but they intensified and I was in a lot of pain. How could this be happening to me again?
Not even 24 hours after being discharged, I was back in the hospital.
To make matters worse, my doctor had just gone out of town that same day. The doctor on call came to see me and monitored me. The pain was becoming unbearable and the contractions were non-stop. Alarmed, he informed us that there may be an underlying cause for the contractions and it could be a risk for both my babies and me. “We need to perform an emergency C-section now,” he said. My husband and I were in shock. I was 31 weeks + 3 days. Are my babies even ready for birth? What will they look like? Will they have complications? What will this mean?
Filled with a million questions, sadness, confusion, and fear, we had no choice.
Less than an hour later, my beautiful and perfect 4-pound babies were born. We were able to take a family picture and kiss them for a second before they had to rush to the NICU. They had many complications throughout their 28-day stay in the hospital, mine and their hardest days thus far. But they made it. They endured more than I could’ve ever imagined and proved to me that miracles do exist. Because they are living proof. I now have 2 happy and healthy toddlers who remind me every day of just how blessed I am because I have them.
My birth story isn’t one I would have imagined or hoped for myself, but it is mine and it is beautiful. I am stronger because of it. It is part of who I am and what has made me the woman and mother I am today. Premature birth is a journey we will never be prepared for. But we will find the strength to overcome everything that comes our way because we are mothers, and we can do anything. It isn’t something we choose–it’s the most unexpected and frightening situation a mother could find herself in. But our babies can’t do it alone. They need and depend on us because we are their light at the end of the tunnel, as they are ours.
I share my story in hopes of encouraging and shining some light in the dark days of those who may need it. This too will pass. We, as women and now mothers, are stronger than we will ever know.
Momma, I promise you… you’ve got this.