What Questions to ask Your OB/GYN at 36 Weeks


This post about questions for your OB/GYN is sponsored by HCA Florida Healthcare.

At 36 weeks pregnant, you are very close to the end of your third and final trimester. It’s important to know what to expect at this late stage of pregnancy so you can feel more prepared for delivery. Learn about the questions you should ask your OB/GYN at your 36-week appointment.

Mom’s health at 36 weeks

By 36 weeks, you are likely seeing your OB/GYN every week and they are monitoring for signs that your body is preparing for labor, including measuring your fundal height (the distance from the top of your uterus to your pubic bone) and cervix. They will also continue to track your blood pressure, weight and symptoms. At this time, you may be feeling new symptoms like Braxton Hicks contractions, as well as a change in your baby’s position in your body as they move lower into your pelvis. 

If you are expecting your first child, you might have a lot of questions about what to anticipate in the last few weeks of your pregnancy, signs of labor, and the practicalities of labor and delivery. If this is not your first child, you may be curious about how things will be different this time and how to handle this experience with another young child at home. You might want to ask your OB/GYN questions such as:

  • Are there any serious symptoms to look out for at this point?
  • How far can I travel from home?
  • What safe exercises can I do now?
  • Is there anything I should avoid at this point in pregnancy?
  • What should be on my hospital bag checklist?
  • Are there any labor and delivery questions I should be thinking about?
  • What should I be considering for my birth plan?
  • What will recovery after birth look like?

Your baby at 36 weeks

At 36 weeks, your baby still has more growing to do before they’re ready to meet you. Typically, babies weigh a little less than six pounds during this point in a pregnancy. They are spending these final few weeks putting on fat as organs like their brain, lungs and liver finish developing. 

As you visit your OB/GYN in these final few weeks, here are a few additional questions about your baby’s health and what to expect in your last few weeks of pregnancy:

  • How is my baby positioned, and how likely are they to stay in that position until delivery?
  • Will I have another ultrasound? If so, when?
  • How often should I check for fetal movement?
  • What are the signs that I’m going into labor early?
  • What should I do if I think I’m in labor?
  • What is a group B streptococcus (GBS) test, and do I need one?
  • What other questions should I be asking? 

Babies born before 37 weeks

Unfortunately, roughly 1 in 10 infants born in the US are preterm, meaning they’re born before 37 weeks gestation. For some parents, delivering before 37 weeks is a surprise, while others may have already spoken with their doctor about the risk of delivering early. The risk factors of having a premature baby that could need neonatal intensive care units (NICU) support are: 

  • Having a premature baby in the past.
  • Being pregnant with multiple babies.
  • Smoking or other substance abuse.
  • Having less than 18 months between pregnancies.
  • Having gestational diabetes.
  • Electing to induce labor.
  • Prolonged labor. 

As not all hospitals have a NICU, you’ll want to talk to your OB/GYN about your risk for early delivery. In doing so, you should discuss the type of care the hospital can provide your baby should they be born early or need additional support.

Need pregnancy care close to home?

HCA Florida Healthcare has a team of expert OB/GYNs and midwives to answer all your questions — from prenatal vitamins to labor and delivery care. We also have classes and events to help you prepare for birth and after delivery. 

As one of the largest healthcare providers in the state, our extensive network is home to everyone from OB/GYNs and midwives to high-risk pregnancy doctors and neonatologists. Find an OB/GYN.