#1 Family Planner
It’s here, the season that most of us had been patiently waiting for all month long… it’s back-to-school time! Some of us were eager to get back on a regular routine and take solo trips to Target. For others, we’re missing sleeping in and not having to do homework. Some of you begged for one more week of summer. Some moms were counting down the minutes until the school bus pulled up.
No matter which one you relate to most, the truth is the kiddos headed back to school.

The first week of school is always hard for me, I am not going to lie. Over the summer we traveled to two different countries, went to bed way too late and slept in until almost 11. Our family had been living it up and enjoying every minute. But everything changed this last week and it was time to get back into the back-to-school groove.

Sometimes I think this back to school stuff is harder on me than it is on my kids. I have to get three kiddos off and running in the mornings and someone is always dragging or leaving something behind. (Most of the time it is me.) So, I pledged to wake up an hour earlier and make lunches the night before. But I’m not quite sure how long that will last. Just being honest.

I thought that it would be fun to share some of my back-to-school survival items for busy mommas. These items work wonders for moms stuck in the carpool lane, doctors office, PTA meetings, homework table, play dates, soccer practice, etc… Be sure to add them to your shopping list. Have a great school year!

The Busy Mom’s Back-to-School Survival Kit:
1. Family Planner
2. Chamomile Tea
3. Wine
4. First Aid Kit
5. Sporty Mommas Graphic Tee
6. Lavender oil
7. Personalized labels
8. A playlist of your favorite tunes
9. Cashback rewards gas card
10. Crockpot