Five Time-Out Tactics for Every SuperMom


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Motherhood is the ultimate #SuperPower challenge. We started simply by taking care of ourselves and our mate and then…we had this little bundle of joy that needed ALL of our attention, oh boy. For a new mom, that is pretty overwhelming and the balancing act of home, family, business, and everything else becomes chaos in our mind. For those more seasoned as a mom, the maneuvering of day to day events becomes easier but there is still always this bit of disarray that can take over with such a strong force that we become consumed for 5 minutes or 5 hours.

SuperPowers are your birthright and as a mom you are that amazing force that guides your children to excellence. We are the ones who inspire greatness, coach them to thrive, and feed them to be the next SuperHero of life. And these are fantastic goals to strive for, but when we are in the midst of our crazy stuff, we can’t even take care of ourselves so how can we really empower those around us.

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Just as in an airplane they tell us to place the oxygen mask on our face first, we must place ourselves first before anyone! Yup I said it, it’s not a selfish thing it’s about being our very best so that we can encourage the very best in others. You have to be happy,energized, and healthy so that you can easily inspire your children to excel. So with this said, here are my top 5 tactics to offer you with the healthiest ‘Time-Out” ever:

1. Plan a lunch date with the girls

Your tribe is everything, they will be your support, your soundboard, and your entertainment. Set aside a day every couple of weeks for lunch or tea with the girls. Adult conversation can help us realize we are not alone, and we have support

2. Set your weekly exercise in you schedule

Do what you need to, it doesn’t have to be long, you could actually set aside 15 minute slots throughout the week, simply to get your body moving. This in combination with motherhood is better than doing nothing. The American College of Sports Medicine says you need 150-300 minutes of activity per week. 150 is for novice and 300 for more advanced. The great thing about this is that it doesn’t have to be consecutive. So you can scatter those minutes any way you want and guess what? Housecleaning counts as well. Check out this FREE 30 Day Workout Calendar with video workouts HERE 

3. Set aside ME time every day.

Take whatever time you have from 5 minutes to an hour or more and do something for YOU. This is super important because we spend our day doing for others and silently we wish someone would do something for us. Take charge and set your time aside, just make it happen. You can read, knit, whatever inspires YOU.

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4. Eat healthier than you ever have!

Oh yes, with the chaos of life, stress of dirty diapers, schedules, and so much more we need our SuperPowers ramped up to give us mental clarity and a whole lot of energy. You can not afford to be lazy, tired, or fried and the only thing that can keep your engines running at their very best is…Quality Food. Enjoy some of my favorite easy and nutritionally packed recipes HERE

5. Go to bed early one night a week.

Set the schedule, lay down the law, do whatever needs to be done so this becomes a household rule. You don’t have to sleep, you can journal, read, or simply meditate but make it a weekly ritual just for YOU. Taking this kind of time helps to recharge your energy centers for the days ahead.

Remember that for as much as we would love for our family to place our needs first, that rarely happens, so starting today, make it your priority to place your needs first. It may feel weird at the beginning but it sure will make you feel better as the years go on, I promise!!!

With Love and Light,



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Adita Yrizarry-Lang is a best-selling author, speaker and holistic lifestyle coach. She’s a mother of 2 which is her greatest claim to fame! Adita is a big-hearted entrepreneur and thought leader. She started out as a fitness instructor over 30 years ago, training other fitness professional in various modalities world-wide. She recognized that individuals were struggling to change their bodies and health, and formulated her 4 Pillars of Health – exercise and movement, food and nutrition, sleep and relaxation, and happiness - as a more holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Her ferocious appetite to coach individuals and groups to better health has driven her to speak at various Fortune 500 companies, schools, and private organizations on the benefits of quality foods, longevity, and amazing health. Adita’s mission…encourage individuals to live Inspired. She wants to bring out the challenges and offer solutions to make SuperPowers shine and life thrive on! SuperPowers, A Busy Woman's Guide to Health and Happiness and SuperPowers of the Family Kitchen can be found on Amazon or at www.ADITALANG.COM. Follow me on INSTAGRAM @AditaLang