This post is sponsored by our friends at Dr. Bob Pediatric Dentist. All opinions are those of the author.
Back in January, we introduced you to Dr. Bob of Dr. Bob Pediatric Dentist. Over the last couple of years, he’s graciously advised us on a wide range of helpful topics ranging from establishing oral care routines and tongue and lip ties to thumb sucking, choking prevention, and much more! This month, we’re teaming up with Dr. Bob to bring you his shortlist of what he wishes parents knew about their child(ren)’s oral health.
5 Things You Pediatric Dentist Wishes You Knew
The 1st Dental Visit
Your child’s 1st visit to the dentist should be at 1 year of age. So as you make plans for that big photoshoot and birthday celebration, schedule their 1st dentist appointment too! Getting your little one to the dentist around their 1st birthday goes a long way in establishing a healthy oral care routine. It also helps them (and you!) feel comfortable with the dentist so that it’s not a stress-inducing experience.
Fluoridated Toothpaste
When that first tooth comes in, it’s time to get serious about brushing. And it’s important to start with fluoridated toothpaste. For children under the age of 3, only a tiny amount of fluoridated toothpaste (think the size of a grain of rice) is necessary. Fluoride is safe in age-appropriate amounts and makes a HUGE difference when it comes to preventing tooth decay.
If you’re looking for a recommendation, try Dr. Bob Unflavored Toothpaste–the first and only US-based unflavored fluoridated toothpaste on the market! It’s made from plants and vegetables and naturally sweetened with xylitol to reduce acid and help stop cavity-causing bacteria. We love that it’s environmentally sustainable, too!
For children under age 3, use a grain of rice-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste to prevent cavities.
Brush Before Bedtime
The most important time to brush is right before bed, with only water to drink afterward–no milk. This is true for all of us, but especially so with infants and toddlers who may have formula, breastmilk, cow’s milk, etc. as part of their bedtime routine. Milk residue that remains on children’s teeth overnight can cause cavities and painful tooth decay (even before the 1st tooth erupts!)–but it can be easily prevented.
If your baby or toddler falls asleep while nursing/bottle feeding, don’t worry about waking them up by taking them into the bathroom. You can go in and brush while they’re asleep! If there aren’t any teeth present simply wipe their gums with a washcloth, or use a grain of rice-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste once their 1st tooth has erupted.
Fruit Juice
We South Floridians love our fruit juices, don’t we?! It’s true. Sometimes there’s just nothing like a glass of cold, fresh-pressed juice. In addition to all of the sugar, though, the naturally occurring acids in fruit juice can erode tooth enamel. Eek!
The good news is you don’t have to eliminate juice from your child’s diet. You can simply limit the amount of juice to 4 oz a day. You can also cut it with water, use a straw (this minimizes the juice’s contact with the teeth!), and make it a treat. The same goes for sports drinks.
Limiting juice and using a straw helps to reduce the amount of cavity-causing sugars and acids on your child’s teeth.
EVERYTHING comes in a gummy these days. Vitamins, fruit snacks, candy… kids love them. The problem is, though, that gummies and other types of sticky candies are the worst offenders when it comes to causing cavities. Their ability to get stuck between teeth and have prolonged contact with tooth enamel means that the residue isn’t quickly cleared from the mouth. In addition to whole fruits and veggies, low-fat yogurt and cheese, and other nutrient-rich snacks, enjoy some chocolate as a sweet treat! It clears out of the mouth quickly and it tastes a lot better anyway 😉
Call Dr. Bob!
Whether you’re getting ready to schedule Baby’s 1st visit to the dentist, keeping up with routine exams and cleanings, or need to see a specialist about resolving a tongue or lip tie, Dr. Bob Pediatric Dentist is here for you! His office is conveniently located off of SW 62nd Avenue in South Miami, and he and his team are committed to providing the exceptional care your child deserves. Call the office at 305-397-8214 or click here to schedule your child’s appointment today!