
Adita Yrizarry-Lang is a best-selling author, speaker and holistic lifestyle coach. She’s a mother of 2 which is her greatest claim to fame! Adita is a big-hearted entrepreneur and thought leader. She started out as a fitness instructor over 30 years ago, training other fitness professional in various modalities world-wide. She recognized that individuals were struggling to change their bodies and health, and formulated her 4 Pillars of Health – exercise and movement, food and nutrition, sleep and relaxation, and happiness - as a more holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Her ferocious appetite to coach individuals and groups to better health has driven her to speak at various Fortune 500 companies, schools, and private organizations on the benefits of quality foods, longevity, and amazing health. Adita’s mission…encourage individuals to live Inspired. She wants to bring out the challenges and offer solutions to make SuperPowers shine and life thrive on! SuperPowers, A Busy Woman's Guide to Health and Happiness and SuperPowers of the Family Kitchen can be found on Amazon or at www.ADITALANG.COM. Follow me on INSTAGRAM @AditaLang
Organics on a Budget, feeding the family without breaking the bank Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

Organics on a Budget | Feeding the Family Without Breaking the Bank

Creating a great organic meal should always be easy when you have your kitchen set up for success. I’ve been a health coach for over 30 years. During that time there has been a...
From 0-20: Food and Exercise Habits to Grow Your Kids to Health Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

From 0-20: Food and Exercise Habits to Grow Your Kids to Health

Health has so many definitions.  But no matter how you look at it, good food and exercise habits are the foundation for our health, energy, and stamina until death.  Motherhood comes with its own...
Almond Butter and Banana Wrap, A Kid-Friendly Recipe Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

Almond Butter and Banana Wrap, A Kid-Friendly Recipe

Once our little ones can give us opinions in the kitchen, it is time to get them making a snack or two for themselves.  Bananas are a wonderful source of immediate energy and potassium. ...
Mindful Meditation for Serenity in the Chaos, 5 Tips to Make it Happen Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

Mindful Meditation for Serenity in the Chaos, 5 Tips to Make it Happen

Have you ever been in the middle of one of these giant concerts where there are thousands of people? Where there's lots of noise, you’re getting pushed and shoved, and your feet are getting...
The Partnership of Marriage Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

The Partnership of Marriage: 4 Tips to Better Relationships

Isn't it funny how society sometimes creates our views on life? It's as if they forgot to provide us with the guidelines for the partnership of marriage. For me, marriage was what you were...
Food 101Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

Food 101, Making Meals Count for the Entire Family

Food always seems to be the big challenge for many of my mom friends and clients, you have so much to do and basically you are just trying to feed your kids the best...
Beach Body, Mom Body, or Sowmewhere in Between Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

Beach Body, Mom Body, or Somewhere in Between

Being a mom keeps us on our toes, actually we spend hours running around making sure that everything is put away organized, or at least where it's supposed to be when it's supposed to...
Protein Powder in a Smoothie, Yes or No for Our Little Ones? Adita Lang Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Protein Powder in a Smoothie, Yes or No for Our Little Ones?

As mothers, we have so much on our plates. We are trying very hard to provide our children with the best ingredients and the best foods. Smoothies are a great way to add in...
No Tech Adventures That Create Experiences: My Top Recommendations Adita Lang Contributor Miami Moms Blog

No Tech Adventures That Create Experiences: My Top Recommendations

When I was a kid playing out in the mud was actually pretty fun. We also used to ride our bikes for hours on end, and my mom would search the neighborhood trying to...
The Ultimate Snack Bar, a Grab-and-Go Snack for the Whole Family Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

The Ultimate Snack Bar, a Grab-and-Go Snack for the Whole Family

A hungry mom and a hungry child is a huge mess.  online pharmacy amaryl for sale no prescription Keeping snacks readily available help to keep your blood sugar at bay and your children nourished...