It is not easy for anyone. Teachers, parents, and children are all in the same boat learning and doing their best to quickly adapt to a new reality none of us can change: for now, our children will have...
Day in and day out, lunch can become an interference to the craziest of days. For whatever reason, we have all been told that our meals are socially driven, but the truth is that they are performance-driven. What do...
Ring, ring! The 70's are calling and they want YOU to bring a little 70's style into the present day. Don't worry, it's not bell-bottoms. I am talking about the ever so wonderful tie-dye t-shirt. Sure, you can just go...
Después de tantos meses en casa, es normal que los niños sientan más ansiedad que otros años en el regreso a clases.  Y aunque este año muchos niños se quedarán en casa, es cierto que muchos otros si están asistiendo...
Hey there Miami Mommas! As we continue to live in this new normal, we are still finding different ways to stay busy with our kids. However, we cannot forget our significant others too! Unfortunately, the days of going out...
Are you expecting multiples?! First of all, Congratulations! I can totally relate to the overwhelming emotions you are feeling right now. One of the many things that stressed me out the most was getting that baby registry done. Where...
This guide is brought to you by our sponsors listed below! Miami Mom Collective, Miami's Premier Parenting Resource, is excited to announce our Educational Resources Guide: School Assistance, Virtual Learning, Tutoring, Homeschool Support, & School Psychologists.   This guide features the...
BLOOM: A CELEBRATION OF MOTHERHOOD Miami Mom Collective is proud to announce Bloom 2020: A Celebration of Motherhood sponsored by Mercy Hospital & Dr. Bob Pediatric Dentist.  Bloom 2020 is now VIRTUAL! As a trusted community resource, we have made the difficult decision...
  Post by: Daisy Blanchard | Click here to read in English. Após 4 meses em quarentena, grande parte do mundo começou a retornar lentamente. Com uma nova maneira, novas restrições e novos regulamentos. Mas você está pronto para retomar? Quais foram...
This semester, make it easy for your family to get an A+ in hydration. Include a reusable  Iron Flask water bottle on your back-to-school shopping list! Along with being a snap to keep clean and sanitized, these ultra-durable and...

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Guide To Miami

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...