Educational Websites Schools are almost out, which means your kids will be home 24/7. Yikes! Just kidding. The day-to-day over summer break can get boring, so I have rounded up some of my favorite educational websites to help you entertain...
Read Across America is a yearly celebration of reading through the art of Dr. Seuss.  In this digital age, we’ve hit a unique point in history where the “need” for books is at an all-time low.  But, thanks to Dr....
The experience with my children's distance learning left me with two clear feelings. The first one is that I love Math. #MathNerdMom here! And the second one is that I'm a terrible Math teacher even though I'm passionate about...
May 6th is the beginning of Teacher Appreciation Week. As moms, we see how hard teachers work to educate and care for our children. A thoughtful gift is a great way to show your gratitude, but choosing the perfect...
As a mom and teacher homework has always pulled at my heart. The teacher side of me doesn't believe in homework.  I believe in reading books and discussing them, cooking and following recipes, and spending time with family at...
Growing up, my favorite author was the one and only Dr. Seuss! I loved everything about his books--the silliness, the vocabulary, the illustrations, and the amazing rhyme. The Cat in the Hat was my ultimate favorite book! Today, as a...
We are often told that motherhood has no manual. However, it seems that every time we get comfortable, there is a big change around the corner. As if transitioning our children to preschool isn't challenging enough, then they grow...
Authored By: Jennifer C. Roig, M.Ed, Head of School, The Roig Academy A lifelong learner is a child who understands the value of education and keeps their inner curiosity alive throughout their lives. They have a desire to grow, know...
I remember being nervous, anxious, and somewhat excited for our first IEP Meeting. My son was about to turn 3 years old and was set to graduate from Early Steps. He was already in ABA therapy and I had...
It's that time of year again. The birds are chirping, flowers blooming, and families and teachers are counting down the days until summer break. It's also the final push in school, time for testing season, and end of year...

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Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...