Authored By: Jennifer C. Roig, M.Ed, Head of School, The Roig Academy A lifelong learner is a child who understands the value of education and keeps their inner curiosity alive throughout their lives. They have a desire to grow, know...
The experience with my children's distance learning left me with two clear feelings. The first one is that I love Math. #MathNerdMom here! And the second one is that I'm a terrible Math teacher even though I'm passionate about...
This resource guide is brought to you by our sponsors listed below.   Miami Mom Collective, Miami's Premier Parenting Resource, is thrilled to announce our 2021-2022 Miami Private Schools Guide.  This guide features the best private schools in Miami and the...
I've always loved the first day of school, new outfits, new shoes, new schedules, and most importantly, new school supplies! For as long as I can remember, I’ve always LOVED buying new school supplies. Don’t ask me why, but...
It's that time of year again. The birds are chirping, flowers blooming, and families and teachers are counting down the days until summer break. It's also the final push in school, time for testing season, and end of year...
IEP? 504?  Can someone please explain what this means for my child and their success in school?? Of course, I can! I have been teaching in Miami-Dade County Public Schools for the last 16 years. I am going to start...
NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP MONTH It's that time of the month, Mamas! Not that kind of month: NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP MONTH. My little one is still too young to be thinking about scholarships for college. But the special needs community is always on high alert...
Did you know that October is Dyslexia Awareness Month? As a former elementary school teacher, I know that recognizing the signs of dyslexia is very important. I also know that receiving a dyslexia diagnosis can be very challenging and...
This summer has been one for the books. After a year of distance learning that also included a move, our family needed some rest, relaxation, and adventure. So we loaded up the van and hit the road! We spent...
  School may look a little different this year but there's one tradition that stay the same: The First Day of School Photo! Who needs a FREE First Day of School Printable Sign? Maybe you're the Mom who has personally hand-lettered...

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Guide To Miami

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...