Disciplining your kids is one of the biggest challenges we face as parents.  From toddlers to teenagers, the myriad of reasons to discipline your children are far and wide.  Now add to this already complex process, not being on...
November is National Adoption Month. This month is set aside to bring awareness to the growing number of children in foster care who need a loving home. As someone who adopted from foster care, I understand the needs of...
Communication is VITAL in day-to-day life and is one of the core values in our home. Communication keeps our family on the same page and "in the know." This is why I am constantly seeking new techniques to help...
Girl, this pandemic has changed my whole vibe. Before 2020, I was that mom who would get up at 7am on a Saturday to get the kids ready for a day of back-to-back activities. One Saturday we went to...
Saturday morning "special time" with my 5-year old son is a highlight of my week.  This tradition started several months ago, when we realized he was having a hard time adjusting to life with his baby sister.  My constant...
STEPFAMILIES HELP SHAPE PEOPLE You'd be surprised how difficult it is to find "pictures" or "research" on stepfamilies! This is surprising to me, considering how common it seems nowadays. I remember growing up, begging my mom to use her maiden...
I'm the mom of an only child, and being an only child myself, I feel focused on him all the time. So many times I listen to my mother's voice telling me to,  "Behave and be polite!" Now I'm...
Without a doubt, every baby is a new blessing, a new challenge for the family but also a new reason for happiness. In the same way with your first baby, we are never fully prepared to be parents again. Of...
So much has changed in the last year and a half, hasn't it? The way we work, how/where our children learn, how we celebrate life's milestones, and how we make everyday decisions. And parenting is full of decision-making opportunities,...
World Kindness Day is November 13th. A day I think the world always needs, especially now. Our social environment is so heavy nowadays that it's so important to find ways to keep kindness at the forefront in any way...

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Guide To Miami

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...