Dinner time is approaching and you’re dreading it. You might be asking yourself if you should serve your child what the rest of the family is eating and deal with the struggle or just prepare the mac & cheese...
Living in South Florida automatically submerges you into a diverse community of people from different cultures and backgrounds.  Miami is also unofficially known as the capital of Latin America, considering it’s relatively close to Latin American countries. Hence, Spanish...
So much has changed in the last year and a half, hasn't it? The way we work, how/where our children learn, how we celebrate life's milestones, and how we make everyday decisions. And parenting is full of decision-making opportunities,...
In life there isn't just one ideal way of doing things. Everyone has different personalities, interests, and lifestyles. So, a specific answer doesn't fit everybody. The same happens with motherhood and topics such as co-sleeping with a baby. To begin...
STEPFAMILIES HELP SHAPE PEOPLE You'd be surprised how difficult it is to find "pictures" or "research" on stepfamilies! This is surprising to me, considering how common it seems nowadays. I remember growing up, begging my mom to use her maiden...
My daughter is only two years old. However, I started to see that every day around noon, she was happy but then something happened--she started to have meltdowns for no reason. I was trying to decode her behavior because having...
Do you know that emotional attachment and self-esteem can determine and positively impact the development of personality in young children? As moms, we get to experience the wonderful feeling of emotional attachment during the first years of our child's life....
Girl, this pandemic has changed my whole vibe. Before 2020, I was that mom who would get up at 7am on a Saturday to get the kids ready for a day of back-to-back activities. One Saturday we went to...
Parenting a child with special needs is always difficult. But parenting a special needs child with a condition that isn’t always obvious is especially challenging.  There have been so many situations where I have been accused of making up my...
When I was a kid playing out in the mud was actually pretty fun. We also used to ride our bikes for hours on end, and my mom would search the neighborhood trying to find us. Things have really...

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Guide To Miami

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...