What is green, funny-looking, and tickles your tummy with joy? Nope, not Kermit. We are talking green juices! While it has become a trend, rest assured, these green juices aren’t going anywhere. I wanted to share a couple of simple recipes to try to celebrate National Green Juice Day, and get our 2021 started off right. In addition to green juice, adding workout routines has never been easier with at-home options.

What’s with the green juice hype?
The benefits are endless. Works on the inside and the outside of our bodies. It’s like a one-and-done juice or smoothie. Here are just a few of the benefits:
You have probably heard green juice helps reduce inflammation. Basically put, inflammation is what you think, swelling. It refers to your body’s process of fighting “the bad stuff” that does it harm (ie: toxins, injuries). When such things damage your cells, your body goes into defense mode releasing chemicals triggering a response from your immune system. Antibodies, proteins, and increased blood flow to the damaged area begin to take action. Many suffer from chronic inflammation, which happens when this defense action lingers, leaving your body in a constant state of alert.
Over time, chronic inflammation may have a negative impact on your tissues and organs. Some research suggests that it may play a role in a range of conditions from cancer to asthma. There are drugs, supplements, and steroids to treat this, but green vegetables do the job naturally because they are packed with antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and K. This means they protect cells from free-radicals which damage cells and additionally have been linked to rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation.
It’s true, what you put in your body shows on the outside. I just mentioned free-radical damage-causing integral issues, but green juice and smoothies also affect the skin. These veggies contain fiber, which helps flush toxins from your body. Furthermore, these greens are full of vitamin C, E, and manganese that are antioxidants protecting your skin and help you glow from within. They’re also super hydrating, like cucumber for example. Spinach is another one, said to be rich in iron and vitamin K that are essential for flawless skin. (Side benefit: moms who are pregnant and need that extra iron intake.)
Yes, these cruciferous veggies fight cancer. If you dig deep enough, you’ll find studies stating that the answer to chemoprevention has been available to the masses in the form of a vegetable throughout our existence. Kale, being one of them. One of these cancer-fighting agents is sulforaphane.

One of my favorite green juice recipes.
I drink this weekly, and it is a simple juice even my 1-year-old loves. My husband is a work in progress but he takes it down like a champ. When I stay consistent, I feel and see the effects in tons of ways.
- 1 cucumber (peeled)
- 1 kale bunch
- 2 celery bunches
- 1-2 apples (depending on sweetness)
- 1 lemon
Juice it. Drink it. That simple.
If you prefer a smoothie, try this:
When I am in a slight rush, I “cheat” by using the Whole Foods frozen avocado chunks. Believe me, they are great in a pinch and add that creaminess to your smoothie. Remember, adapt to your liking, the important part is the green.
- 1/2 avocado (or a handful of frozen chunks)
- 1 banana
- 1 cup coconut water (or regular)
- a good handful (1 cup) of spinach, kale, or romaine
- 1/3 cup mango or pineapple
- 1 heaping tbsp nut butter (of your choice)

Here are my thoughts (and tips).
- Don’t stress out, go with whatever ingredients you have in the fridge. If it’s green, throw it in.
- An apple always adds that sweetness. If using a blender for a smoothie, toss in a few dates, same effect.
- It is recommended you should drink your juice (and consume fruits) on an empty stomach in the morning. While this may be true, don’t stress it. Get your green juice (or smoothie) in whenever and wherever you can. We are busy moms after all.
- Kale may be a little scary to start with. Try spinach which is milder and work your way up. Add 1/2 apple and cut back as you get acclimated.
- Juices last up to 48 hours in the fridge. An airtight mason jar is perfect for storing.
(Bonus Tip)
A good rule of thumb: at least three veggies to every piece of fruit. This will keep sugar down and help keep your blood sugar balanced.
Keep the pulp! I give some to my mom to mix in with the dog food, or you can put a little back into the juice.