Stress is all around us. Every. Single. Day. It is the way we respond to life’s demands. Work. School. Mom Life. Challenges. Hardships. These can all trigger stress. But we can definitely minizine stress and live healthier lives.
Here Is How
1-Healthy Eating: A healthy, balanced diet can help reduce stress.
2-Exercise: Movement activities such as Yoga, aerobics, etc., release endorphins. These are substances that can help you feel better and happier.
3-Listen to Music: Classical music can be so soothing right before bedtime.
4-Just Breathe: Slow, deep breathes can help attain calmness.
5-It is OK to say NO: You do not have to meet others’ expectations. Think of things you can control. Accept those that you cannot.
6-Go for a Walk: A quick walk around the block can help when you are feeling overwhelmed. A nice walk can give you time to think, reflect, and exercise.
7-Spa Day: Oh la la! Book a spa day! Massages help reduce tension. They also release stress in the neck and shoulders.
8-A Quick Count: Slowly count backward from 10.
9-Imagine You Are in Paradise: Close your eyes. Imagine nice scenery. Maybe a beach day? A hike?
More Ways to Minimize Stress
10-Stretch: Stretching releases muscle tension. A quick shoulder roll can help ease the body.
11-Take out that Stress Ball: Squeeze! Squeeze! Squeeze! Let go of all that anger!
12-Alone Time: Set up your bathroom with a quiet ambiance. Light up some candles. Put on some spa music. Indulge in a warm bubble bath. This can be a nice zen place.
13-Clean! Decluttering, reorganizing, and cleaning can help minimize stress.
14-Where Are my Chocolate Lovers?:
Dark chocolate regulates stress hormones. Isn’t that sweet?
15-Cuddle With Your Pet: Your fur baby can definitely help.
16-Laugh it Out: A good laugh increases blood flow. It is a nice pick-me-up!
17-Write Your Thoughts Away: Journaling is a great way to calm down.
18-Talk it Out: Vent with a friend, a family member, or even a coworker. Get your feelings out!
How do you minimize stress?
Rule number one is, don’t sweat the small stuff. Rule number two is, it’s all small stuff.—Robert Eliot