If someone told me a year ago that being a stay-at-home mom would be so challenging I probably would have raised my eyebrows at you. But if someone told me the same thing today I would say Amen! I could never have predicted how difficult it would be for me to go from a full-time working mom to being a stay-at-home mom. And by the time I realized it, well then it was too late to prepare.
Looking back I wish someone could have prepared me for it. Telling me that it will be challenging, there will be days you feel lost. Some days you will feel like the worst mom ever, and some days you will feel like you made a big mistake. But I also wish someone would have told me that it will pass. There will be better days, and you will find a way. Eventually, you’re going like it, and you will feel like the great mom you know you are. Just hang in there!
Tough times don’t last, tough people do!
We as a family, well mostly my husband and I, had been dreaming about moving to Miami for years. So when my husband got a job here we felt strongly that it was meant to be. This was our chance to follow our dream, and it was going to be fantastic.
Surely we had been talking about the fact that it would be difficult in the beginning since we didn’t know anyone. And it’s not like I could just call my mom and have her come over and help me out. But I felt sure that I was going to handle this. It wasn’t like I had walked through life not having to face difficult times before, but I had always managed to pull through. And I was confident that I was going to handle this as too.
So when the day came and we were on our way I felt calm. Sad of course because we had to say goodbye to family and friends, but still happy that it was finally happening. But little did I know that the next few months were gonna be the hardest ones I had ever gone through. Because that’s how it felt when I was in the midst of it.
Just a Mom…?
When August came and Jayden went back to school my new life really became a reality. It was so quiet. I had Olivia home with me, and my dad had come over to stay with us for 3 months. But still, everything felt a bit boring. After ten years of working with foster care, having a busy schedule, and actually loving it, my life now consisted of walking
Jayden to school, doing laundry, cleaning up the house, and answering Olivia who was calling me every other second. I had to admit to myself that I wasn’t prepared for this.
Shifting the focus.
I made a choice, something had to change. So I decided that I was going to do more of the things that I used to. Those things I loved doing before all this. I have always loved DIY projects, interior design, and taking pictures. Being creative is what gives me energy. So that’s what I did. I took out our camera, I scrolled Pinterest, and I started to make things. The energy was back. And the feeling of being a bad mom was going away. Because that’s how I felt at times. Like I was the worst mom ever. Because I couldn’t appreciate the fact that I was so privileged that I could always be there for our kids.
Make the best of every season.
There can still be days where I wish I wasn’t “just a mom,” but I’m embracing this season. Determined to make this the best season of my life!! I love being able to make the kids breakfast. Having a slow morning and drinking a cup of coffee before we walk over to school. Being able to fill my days with whatever I decide, and seeing Olivia unfolding and becoming more independent every day.
In August she’s starting VPK and a new season is coming. And I’m excited to see what the future holds. But for now, I’m going to make the most and best out of this one. And I’m not just a mom, because being a mom is so much more. You just have to find your way.
I really enjoyed reading this, such a great post!!
Love this article !!! I just become a stay mom too after working for 13 years for an amazing company
So great that you shared your story. I have being on both sides of motherhood as well and it is so important that we bring awareness of how challenging is to be a SAHM. HAppy to you channeled your creativity to make the best period of your life.
Being a SAHM is so challenging! Thanks for sharing your story!
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