10 Tips For Working From Home — With Kids

10 Tips For Working From Home — With Kids Vanessa Santamaria Contributor Miami Moms Blog
You can be very productive while working from home. Photo by Modern Image by Candy.

I recently received a sweet gift from my BFF: A T-shirt from Confident Motherhood that reads:

The mornings start early & the nights go late

How many of you can relate? (The crowd cheers and everyone raises their hand!)

As working moms, we’re used to juggling all the things at all hours of the day, but now we have to work from home and practice social distancing while helping our kids with virtual school, too. Cue the chaos. While I usually work from home, I realize that it’s a luxury that many moms don’t have. So, I thought I’d put together my top 10 tips to help you stay productive while working from home and managing your kids’ online learning curriculum.

Having kids at home 24/7 doesn’t have to be chaotic as long as we have some sort of routine in place.

Setting realistic expectations and effectively communicating with your kids so they know what is expected will set you up for success and provide you with some much-needed work time during the day.

1. Get up early.

I like to get up no later than 6 a.m., shower and get dressed before I wake my kids up. If you’re not an early bird like me, that’s okay! I enjoy this time to myself and showering helps me wake up and feel like I’m ready to tackle anything.

2. Change out of your PJs.

I know that it’s sometimes tempting to stay in your pajamas when you’re in self-quarantine and not seeing anybody, but you’ll automatically feel a boost of energy when you get dressed. It doesn’t have to be fancy. A pair of jeans and some lip gloss can make all the difference! Honestly, I usually don’t wear makeup unless I have a meeting, but I’ve noticed that I feel so much better when I do.

3. Make time for yourself.

As I mentioned, I usually set aside a little bit of “me” time in the mornings. After the kids have had their breakfast and started their virtual lessons, I sometimes head back to the kitchen to enjoy my coffee quietly while reading or catching up with social media.

4. Create a task list and set a schedule.

Every morning, I start my workday by making a list of the things I need to accomplish in order of priority. I tackle the least exciting but most important projects first. For me, this usually involves financials. Also, since I’m a morning person, I find that I’m most creative early in the day. I like to work on projects that require a lot of creativity or inspiration first. Check off each task as you complete it and you’ll feel so productive. The same is true for your kids’ school work. Create a list of the assignments they have to complete, set priorities based on when they’re due, and have them cross off each one as they complete it.

5. Surround yourself with things you love.

I have a few things in my office that inspire me, such as photos, vintage globes, positive quotes, candles, faux plants, and my kids’ artwork. You can also play some music if that fuels your creativity or even buy yourself a cute, inexpensive desk at IKEA. These items not only help add beauty to my workspace, they also reflect the ambience I want to create. Simply put, it makes me happy.

6. Take mommy breaks.

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Be sure to take a few breaks throughout the day. Rest your eyes, stretch out or do yoga, go outside and breathe in some fresh air, drink plenty of water, and just clear your mind. You’ll find that you’ll return to your computer feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the next task on your list.

7. Practice self-care.

Mommy breaks definitely count as self-care, but pamper yourself a little with a bubble bath, at-home mani-pedi, some journaling time, meditation, Netflix, exercise, or anything else that makes your soul happy. It’s easy to devote all your time to your kids and forget about yourself, so make yourself a priority, too! I’m a work in progress.

8. Stop working by a certain time.

When we’re busy working and our mojo is at an all-time high, we can lose track of time. I’m guilty of this, too! I’ll find myself on deadline, the day just flies by, and I’m still glued to my computer late into the day. During this quarantine period, I’ve tried really hard to stop working by 6:30 and go for a walk or take the girls for a bike ride. And you know what? It feels amazing!

9. Disconnect from social media.

My life and work revolve around social media, especially since my company creates a lot of content for clients, too. Many times, my kids think I’m playing around with my phone when I’m actually working. But it’s also important to set boundaries, put the phone or tablet down, and spend uninterrupted quality time with my family.

10. Enjoy this time with your kids.

Before this global pandemic affected our lives, we lived a fast-paced go-getter life with a million things on our to-do list. Our kids were in school while we worked long hours and spent little quality time together in the afternoons and evenings. Although working from home, parenting and virtual school are overwhelming in a different way, COVID-19 has forced us to stop and think about what’s important. We may never have so much time at home with our kids again, so enjoy it to the fullest. Play, dance, bake, draw, ride, laugh — do whatever your heart desires!

Smile, practice flexibility and give yourself some grace! We’re all in this together.




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