Gratitude is a hot topic these days.
One definition of gratitude that resonates with me is pausing to notice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted (Nemours). This time of year, #gratitude is on all of our minds. But what about after the turkey is eaten, the football watched, the naps taken? How can we be intentional about cultivating an attitude of gratitude in our homes and in the lives of our children?
Here are 3 ways to practice gratitude as a family year-round:
1. Create a Gratitude Jar

One couple I know shares pictures of their gratitude jar every year, and I asked if I could share it with you all! Here’s how it works: throughout the year, every family member writes down things they are grateful for and puts the pieces of paper in the jar. In November, they pull them out and read them to each other (even from previous years!). What a wonderful way to be reminded of the many ways your family has been blessed. Because we forget so quickly, don’t we?
2. Start a Family Gratitude Journal
Like that gratitude jar, this is another way to practice gratitude and make it part of your family’s lifestyle. Find or purchase a journal or notebook and designate it as a gratitude journal. At dinner or another time when the family is regularly gathered together, pass the journal around and encourage everyone to write something in it that they’re thankful for. If you have littles who aren’t writing yet, let them share verbally and have someone write for them. Or they can even draw pictures! Taking time to do this daily is ideal, but obviously whenever you can find time works too. The key is to make it routine, and I like the discipline of writing things down. It’s so easy to forget the many everyday reasons we have to be thankful.
3. Put Up a Thankful Tree
Cut a tree out of brown butcher paper and put it up on a wall, or fill a jar or vase with tree branches (I like the look of curly willow). Next to it, have a basket of paper leaves where family members can write notes of thanks and then hang them on the “tree.” Not only does it make a pretty decoration, but it also requires us to pause and reflect on the many things we have to be thankful for.

For more on the topic of gratitude, check out these helpful posts from Miami Mom Collective:
30-Day Gratitude Challenge (With Printable!)
Practicing Gratitude in the Midst of Disappointment
Thanksgiving, Teens, and Cultivating Gratitude Year Round
Gratefulness: Empowering the Brain With a Heart of Gratitude
Gratitude Alphabet: Expressing Thanksgiving From A to Z
El A-B-C del Agradecimiento
We’d love to hear from you, too. How do you practice gratitude as a family? Let us know in the comments below!
Happy Thanksgiving From Dr. Bob
Thanksgiving is going to look very different for most of us this year. But regardless of what you do to celebrate, Dr. Bob and his team hope you and your family have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
When it comes to scheduling that first dentist appointment, learning more about virtually pain-free tongue or lip-tie revisions, or regular dental exams and cleanings, Dr. Bob Pediatric Dentist is here for you. Even before the pandemic began, they followed the strictest protocols for cleanliness and safety and have gone above and beyond to incorporate increased safety protocols to ensure your child(ren)’s routine dentist appointments are as safe as possible.
With the holidays coming up, now’s a great time to schedule those appointments that may have been delayed or postponed earlier this year. Call the office at 305-397-8214 or click here to schedule an appointment online. Dr. Bob’s office is located in South Miami, and he and his team are committed to providing the exceptional care your child deserves.