
Adita Yrizarry-Lang is a best-selling author, speaker and holistic lifestyle coach. She’s a mother of 2 which is her greatest claim to fame! Adita is a big-hearted entrepreneur and thought leader. She started out as a fitness instructor over 30 years ago, training other fitness professional in various modalities world-wide. She recognized that individuals were struggling to change their bodies and health, and formulated her 4 Pillars of Health – exercise and movement, food and nutrition, sleep and relaxation, and happiness - as a more holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Her ferocious appetite to coach individuals and groups to better health has driven her to speak at various Fortune 500 companies, schools, and private organizations on the benefits of quality foods, longevity, and amazing health. Adita’s mission…encourage individuals to live Inspired. She wants to bring out the challenges and offer solutions to make SuperPowers shine and life thrive on! SuperPowers, A Busy Woman's Guide to Health and Happiness and SuperPowers of the Family Kitchen can be found on Amazon or at www.ADITALANG.COM. Follow me on INSTAGRAM @AditaLang
Are they Really Bored by Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

Are they REALLY Bored? 5 Tips to Inspire Your Kids for Life

I love being a mother but one of my pet peeves is hearing..."Mom, I'm BORED!" Really... I grew up making things, building things, and creating the most elaborate imaginary worlds any brain could conjure...
Changing your Perspective During Challenging Times Adita Lang Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Changing Your Perspective During Challenging Times

One of the biggest challenges I see as a mom is... exhaustion. Our perspective revolves around all of the things we have to do for all of the members of our family. Here's the...
Healthy Habits That Make a Strong Immune System Adita Lang Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Healthy Habits That Make a Strong Immune System

We are inundated with the media pushing for healthy habits to keep germs at a minimum and our immune system strong. These are great techniques to instill on the exterior but what if your...
Easy Meals for Moms on the Go By Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

Easy Meals for Busy Moms on the Go

Did you know that you are no different from an elite athlete? Athletes schedule their day according to their training schedule, moms schedule their day according to their kids' schedule. An Athletes' meals are...
Muffin Tops, Creating a Midsection to be Proud of Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

The Muffin Top: Creating a Midsection to be Proud of

Have you ever heard the phrase "Muffin Top?" Not as it applies to food, but as it applies to our body? After a few kids, yo-yo diets, and a few unhealthy treats here and...
Top Kitchen Hacks to Make Mealtime a Breeze Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

Top Kitchen Hacks to Make Mealtime a Breeze | Miami Moms Blog

As moms we have way too much on our plate on a day to day basis, not to mention... mealtime. The ability to navigate the kitchen and prepare healthy meals is an art, in...
Chocolate Protein Coconut Bites Recipe Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

Chocolate Protein Coconut Bites Recipe

We all need a bit of a sweet treat here and there.  Chocolate has that wonderful effect to bring up back to calm in seconds.  Here is my favorite treat to fill me up,...
Letter From Santa: A Message for the Bigger Kids at Heart Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

Letter From Santa: A Message for the Bigger Kids at Heart

online pharmacy zithromax over the counter with best prices today in the USA The holidays bring with them so many traditions. For those who cherish Christmas, Santa and the elves come right along...
Top 5 Tips to Beating the Holiday Blues Miami Moms Blog Contributor Adita Lang

Top 5 Tips to Beating the Holiday Blues: Keep it Low Stress

Holiday blues are no laughing matter. Stress can kick in from dark cold days or even Florida days filled with shopping and family. Many of us get overwhelmed, which takes away the fun that...
The Top Five Traditions That Should Never Fade Away Adita Lang Contributor Miami Moms Blog

The Top Five Traditions That Should Never Fade Away

I don’t know about you, but there are so many traditions I did as a child that kids these days don’t even think about. Now in retrospect, I look back at some of those...