Are you frustrated about your workout program?
No need, it is so much simpler than we have portrayed it. You know, I have been in the fitness industry for over 30 years. Back in the day I would give my clients grief for not getting in their full 60 minutes for a workout. Now, looking back, I think I helped so people many avoid their workouts all together.
For whatever reason, we went around preaching that you had to get 3-4, 60 minute workouts per week…WRONG! Oh ya, we were wrong. The American College of Sports Medicine recently came out and said that we all need anywhere from 150 to 300 minutes of activity per week. 15o for the novice and 300 for the more advanced. The cool thing about this is that they also said that it doesn’t need to be consecutive.
In other words, you can do a 10 min. workout here, a 15 min. workout there, and just finish the week with your total goal. So for all of you stay at home moms, or any mom in general, or woman for that matter, activity refers to increasing your heart rate and breaking a sweat. Gardening, laundry, and house cleaning all count towards this, so take note on all of these precious minutes.
Now, if you need a bit extra, here are my top 5 workout exercises to work the entire body:
Squats are the best way to firm up the legs and keep the tush looking good. You simply step your feet hip distance apart (now, by this I mean the distance of your actual hip joints, not your vision of your hips). Center your body weight on your feet and pretend to sit down on your toddler’s itty bitty chair. Your back stays flat and the chest is uplifted. Once you get to about 90 degrees, come back up to standing and do it all over again. Be sure to give that tush an extra squeeze as you are working your way up to standing.
Step one leg way behind you, so that you feel like that foot is wearing a high healed shoe (pretending of course). The front knee is right over the ankle, the chest is uplifted, and the abdominals tight. Next, bend the back knee to about 90 degrees. As you come back up squeeze the muscles of your tush to work your way up and then do it again. Your goal is about 10 on each side!
The muscles of your abdominals connect from your rib cage to your pubic bone. I tell you this because you want to contract from your rib cage in order for the upper body to come up and the abdominals to do their job. Place little weight in the feet and make all the effort come from the rib cage. Exhale as you come up and let the head rest in the hands with little to no effort from there.
The is my “vanity part” favorite. This is the one exercise you can do right before a party and receive some great comments because of your efforts. From your knees, walk your hands forward until you have a straight line from the top of your head to your knee. Next, separate your hands so that when you bend the elbow, they bend to 90 degrees with your elbow right above your wrist. Take it from there, exhale as you lift and keep those abdominals tight and solid!
Cardio really doesn’t have to be complicated. Set a timer for whatever time you have, choose your favorite tunes (I love Muscle Mixes Music, click HERE to check them out), and get your groove on! MOVE, DANCE, JUMP, increase your heart rate and break into a sweat and you are golden!
The workout exercises were taken directly out of my new book SuperPowers, A Busy Woman’s Guide to Health and Happiness. Click HERE to see more ways of maximizing the SuperPowers in YOU!
With Love and Light,
PS – Leave me a comment below if you have a question or need a few more suggestions, I am here to help.
Very cool Adita, a Supermom with Suerpowers for sure!! ?
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