Remember to give yourself a little love.
As women, mothers, wives, girlfriends, and all the other roles we often have, I believe we sometimes tend to forget ourselves. We are good at loving others, making sure their needs are met. We pour out all the love, empathy, and care we can. But how often do we take the time to give ourselves some love? We need to give ourselves a little love because it will make us better moms.
I’m a strong believer in the fact that the love I’m able to give others comes from within myself. So taking care of others means that I also have to take care of myself. I believe we all know how hard it can be to be a mom when you feel empty. When your energy level is on the minus side. You look in the mirror and feel like you aged ten years overnight. And that good feeling you usually have is nowhere to be found. Well, I’m here to help you with that. Because we can’t depend on others to feel loved, like so many other things. It starts with you loving yourself.
Some ways to take care of yourself and give yourself a little love.
For me, it’s the simple things. Making sure that I give myself some time to breathe. To make it easier for you I’m going to share five simple things you can do. Things that I do myself. Things that give me the energy boost that I need. As a result, when the day starts I’m ready.
“Mom Lovefuel” #1
Take some time to be alone. I love being around my family. Playing with the kids, talking, and laughing with my husband. But let’s be honest. To have some time for myself is something I need. That gives me time to breathe, to think, and to clear my mind. Taking a walk, or going for a run is the perfect way for me. That also boosts my endorphins, and I feel much better after. I also love to make myself a cup of coffee and go up to our bedroom. I’ll close the door, turn on the TV, and watch whatever I like. Typically some home makeover programs. But for you, it might be something else. Find what works for you. All I know is that just 30 minutes alone a day makes me a better mom.
“Mom Lovefuel” #2
Get a manicure, or book an appointment at a spa. Yes, you heard me right. It’s about feeling good about yourself. And not just about having pretty nails. Above all, it’s the good feeling I get when I’m at the salon. The fact that I get to just sit down and have someone else take care of me. Making sure I have a relaxing, enjoyable time. That brings me that good feeling. The fact that I get those perfect nails is just a plus.
“Mom Lovefuel” #3
Have a date night. I think we all need to be just boyfriend and girlfriend sometimes. Most days we are first and foremost a mom. But we also need to be something other than a mom. After moving to Miami, and not having our family to babysit the kids, we had to find a way to still be able to go on date nights. Being new to Miami it felt a bit scary to find a babysitter. But after some research, we ended up using College Sitters. And we’re so happy with that choice. The kids always have a good time, and so do we. Taking time to invest in our marriage is one of the things that we prioritize. I never regret a night spent with my hubby, that always gives me that good feeling.
“Mom Lovefuel” #4
Find a hobby. What is it besides your work or the typical mom stuff that you like to do? It doesn’t have to be something fancy or advanced. Just think about things that give you pleasure or joy. For me, it’s doing something creative. Thinking back I believe I have always loved being creative, and I still am. In particular, that includes creating things, and especially those DIY projects. Or when I get to knit a new top for myself. All these things bring me joy and fill me up.
“Mom Lovefuel” #5
Above all, be honest about how you feel and what you need. How often do you tell your partner or your friends what you really feel? Us women are known for believing that our husband or in general our surroundings should know how we feel. As a result, I think that too often we end up disappointed. Both in the people in our lives, but also in ourselves. Therefore I encourage you to take the time, to be honest with yourself. How do you feel, what do you need, and from who? Your feelings and your needs are just as important as anyone else’s.
Loving others is much easier when you love yourself
Love from Rachel