Becoming a mom can be overwhelming for so many reasons. Sometimes, the more you know, the more you wish you didn’t know. It is so important though to make sure we are gathering valuable information from trusted sources, especially when it comes to our baby’s health (present and future). Quite honestly, your OBGYN serves as a major resource during normal care and prenatal care. This is where I was introduced to cord blood.

What is cord blood?
In essence, cord blood is the blood and tissue that is taken from the placenta and the baby’s umbilical cord. It contains blood cells and it is actually a natural way used to treat many, many diseases! Cord blood is safe, easy, has better chances for transplant success, and more matches.
What is the registry process like?
For us, it was very simple. Once we made the choice for our preferred registry, someone from the company reached out to us to confirm the information we had filled out online. They set up a delivery date that was convenient for us to receive the package of information and the items we had to take on labor/delivery day
. We were advised to call the company within a few hours of delivery for someone to come pick up the box from the hospital. All of the logistics were set up prior to labor/delivery day, so it truly was effortless. Just make sure to put a reminder to call the company for pick-up and possibly ask your partner to take care of it. Mama will definitely be prioritizing connecting with baby!
How can you get more information?
Indefinitely, your healthcare provider will be able to give you more information on your birth plan and cord blood collection. You may get a list of providers from your OBGYN, or a specific company that partners with their office. I was given two options and personally, I called both companies to get educated and make the best choice for my family and me. To our surprise, we received a special for the first year free of cord blood banking. (Which can ease some financial distress during the first year of your child’s life, for sure.) Here are a list of websites with useful information on cord blood:
Your child’s present and future health are worth investing in. So do your research and make the best choice for your family. Once you learn about cord blood and its benefits, spread the word to your family and friends so together, we can raise awareness!