Planning a Quarantine-Friendly Virtual Baby Shower


So you’re pregnant during a pandemic, quarantined, and you feel like all your baby shower plans have been thrown into a whirlwind. First of all, congratulations!! What a blessing to be pregnant! Are you worried about your baby shower? Instead of canceling or panicking I offer you this advice…virtual baby shower!

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

We’re living in an unprecedented time but you deserve to be celebrated! Your baby deserves to be celebrated!

Amidst social distancing, improvise with a virtual baby shower, adapt to the new regulations, and overcome this hurdle like the strong mama you are. Enjoy a beautiful day with friends and family, virtually. Take this as an opportunity. Did you have family from out of town that likely would not have been able to make it? Now they get to share a special day with you. Here are some tips to make your virtual baby shower a beautiful one you’ll look back on and smile about!

Send an Evite for your virtual baby shower.

Design and send a virtual baby shower invitation on Evite and invite your friends and family to download Zoom and join you to celebrate you and your baby! This is the first step. 

Dress up!

Whether you had an outfit to wear already or had an idea in mind, get dressed up!  Put #CuteForQuarantine into play and wear that beautiful outfit, doll yourself up as much as you want, and show everyone the belly they so desperately want to see.

Planning a Quarantine Friendly Virtual Baby Shower Ana-Sofia DuLaney Contributor Miami Moms Blog

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Show off your baby bump for all your virtual attendees to see!

Set up a backdrop or décor…

Have fun with it! Just like we have options for quarantine birthday parties, these options can also be put to use for your baby shower. So, go check out our guide for some local businesses offering social distancing-friendly party options. Decorate the background where you will be posted during your call. Some ideas for your background: a balloon arch, a sign with the baby’s name or due date, a clothesline with some of the onesies you have already, or if you have the nursery ready, decorate the nursery and give everyone a sneak peek at the room you’ll bring baby home to.

For the virtual baby shower call itself…

Have a host that can create some rules and structure. The last thing you want is everyone talking all over each other so politely ask that they all be put on mute. This way you can start your baby shower, the host can say a few words, read a poem or prayer, and begin the fun!

Have a plan…

I attended a Zoom baby shower where the hosts began by asking the grandparents to be to say a few words to the expecting couple, followed by the couple themselves. This makes it special for those that are speaking and allows everyone to hear their kind words. Then open it up in the chat for whoever may want to share a few tips, well wishes, and love. After, ask them to put their names in the chat, and you or the host can call them in order so they may speak. It may sound rigid but it will flow nicely once you have all your guests on the virtual call. This virtual baby shower included a total of 51 people, and the organization made it flawless!

Planning a Quarantine Friendly Virtual Baby Shower Ana-Sofia DuLaney Contributor Miami Moms Blog
Big virtual baby showers can work perfectly to feel closer to your family and friends.

Play virtual baby shower games!

Zoom allows for questions that can pop up on everyone’s screen. Make up a few fun questions to ask your guests. What is the wildest craving the mommy-to-be had? When is the due date? What is the theme of the nursery? Belly size? Little questions and activities make it fun for your guests and allow them to feel involved. 

Zoom has the capability of doing a slideshow/presentation. 

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If you have someone that was hosting your baby shower or would like to host your virtual baby shower, ask them if they would be willing to do a presentation for you to play on Zoom. Then, you can provide them with pictures, and they can make a PowerPoint or a quick video montage. It can include baby photos of you and your partner, photos of you throughout your pregnancy, uplifting quotes, and some nice music. Then, they can share their screen and present it to all the guests as a special surprise.

Last but not least…

Keep it short and sweet! You and your guests will not want the baby shower to go on without a purpose. So, if you’re having a great time, by all means continue! But, try and take note of the time so you don’t tire yourself out or lose your friends and family’s attention.

Planning a Quarantine Friendly Virtual Baby Shower Ana-Sofia DuLaney Contributor Miami Moms Blog

Remember, this life you are bringing into the world is a reason to celebrate. Going through a pregnancy during a pandemic is a reason to celebrate. Enjoy yourself and celebrate the joy in your life! Congratulations Mama-to-be!

Let me know how your virtual baby shower went or any tips you may have for other moms in the same position.  We’d love to hear from you!


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Ana-Sofia DuLaney
Ana-Sofia is a Miami native that chose to never leave her hometown. She attended FIU and is an attorney that graduated from the University of Miami School of Law. Ana-Sofia finally became more than friends with her childhood neighbor after over 10 years, and now they are happily married! She was a proud dog mom before she became a human mom, and after the birth of their now four-year-old son, Ana-Sofia has been lucky enough to work from home. In August 2021, their family grew by one more and they welcomed a new baby boy to the bunch! She loves traveling with her family but also loves staying home curled up on the couch. An avid Dave Matthews fan, Ana-Sofia is also a self proclaimed extroverted introvert, grammar freak, Harry Potter obsessed, Heat and UM cheering, and gardening loving mama that hopes she’s doing right by her sons while trying to reduce her ecological footprint. Follow her on Instagram as she tries to live each day fully @TheAnaMachine or her gardening journey on @GardeningInJeans


    • Thank you Candice!! I really appreciate your kind words! I hope the moms to be don’t forget they are loved and deserve to be celebrated. ❤️

  1. This sounds like such a great idea! Can’t wait to forward this along to my Mommy-To-Be friends <3

  2. Sending this to my preggo friend now! I’ve been trying to convince her to give a virtual baby shower a try. Thanks!

    • Hooray! I hope she uses it! Let me know if she does. <3 Also, great to note is that YOU CAN RECORD THE WHOLE THING! How wonderful to be able to go back and watch it later on, and remember what times were like these days. Thank you!

  3. awesome awesome tips! I am passing this on to a couple moms that I know that are pregant are we so sad to cancel thier baby showers! Thanks Ana-Sofia!!!

    • I’m glad you enjoyed it and hopefully it helps them out! Please let me know if they went with this option and how they felt about it!

  4. awesome awesome tips! I am passing this on to a couple moms that I know that are pregnant are we so sad to cancel their baby showers! Thanks, Ana-Sofia!!!

  5. This is a great post with so many fun ideas! We recently had a “drive-by diaper drop” for my sister in law who was pregnant with her 3rd. Everyone (including her!) LOVED it and we all agreed it was memorable, meaningful and tons of fun! There’s so many ways to creatively celebrate the Mamas-to-be!

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