You know, like a midlife crisis
The definition of a midlife crisis is a period of transition in life where someone struggles with their identity and self-confidence. It happens anywhere from 40 years old to 60 years old and affects men and women. A midlife crisis is not a disorder but is mainly psychological.
Okay, now let’s talk about post-partum identity crisis. It is not talked about that much and it is something that many moms experience. An identity crisis is a time of conflict or confusion about your current role (i.e. Who am I?, I am just a mom?). Occupations (including motherhood) are key to creating and maintaining an identity. We can still reconstruct our identity through engaging in meaningful work and activities. We can still recreate ourselves–-negotiating an identity between who we were before motherhood and who we’ve become. It is important to find new or old activities of interest to find that sense of fulfillment. Sometimes, the daily house chores just won’t make the cut! Make that time for YOU, whether it’s writing, photography, reading, singing, blogging, baking, sewing, gardening, dancing, etc.
But here’s what I really want to know.
Is there really such a thing as a post-partum crisis? If there isn’t, I am definitely going to make this a thing! Haha
After both of my pregnancies, I have found myself getting tattoos, piercings, and going on shopping sprees trying to find out what my fashion style is (with or without the baby weight!). I even found myself applying to become a contributing writer to an amazing mom blog when writing was never my forte growing up! LOL Shoutout to Nasty Gal, thank you for being my go-to postpartum shopping spree store, and to Miami Mom Collective for giving me a tribe of amazing moms, so that my experience of motherhood wouldn’t have to be lonely! <3
We went 10 months not fitting into our clothes. Maybe wearing leggings the majority of the time, or maybe even wearing our husband’s clothes the other half of the time. If you are anything like me, I refused to spend money on maternity clothes that I wouldn’t wear after pregnancy. So fast forward 10 months later. We are clueless about what our fashion style is and in desperate need of our outfits to reflect who we are as a form of self-expression! Not just wearing our mom uniform usually consisting of black leggings, an oversized t-shirt, with a topknot bun and spit up on our clothes as a form of an accessory!
So tell me… what have you gravitated towards for YOUR postpartum crisis? What tattoos or piercings have YOU gotten?! I want to know! Comment below! 🙂