So how does the word “Homework” make you feel?
I remember my first bout of homework, with my son, during kindergarten. I was blown away. When I went to kindergarten coloring in the lines was the majority of my grade. Now a days, they are expected to read, write, and comprehend. Let alone the 6 pages of homework that is supposed to inspire them to learn more.
“Please write the letter B, on that line. Oh, and don’t forget a finger space, pretty please!”
Initially, when I started, I would look at my little one and beg for that “B” to be written for the word ball. He played with his pencil, went to the bathroom, and grabbed a snack, all before he completed the word.
OMG, I took a deep breath and started again.
Unfortunately, our own perfectionism seems to get in the way. We have forgotten how challenging it is to be five, six, or even seven. We get frustrated because we know how to write these words, add those numbers, or understand the story. Our little ones are simply trying their best, and are learning it for the very first time.
Our perception of accomplishing homework is tainted by everything else we do in our day. As a mom, I am sure you are multi-taking beyond. Our days can blend into the next and then we must STOP and help our little ones with circles and squares. So before you become too crazed with your child’s homework, take an inventory of your own day. Find the things that make you smile and set yourself on an even keel before pickup, and before the books come out of the book bag.
For me it was all about having a healthy lunch before hand, and a cup of tea in-hand when I sat down to coach my son. Now granted, it took me a few grade periods to figure all of that out. Each of us has the things that trigger us and the things that bring us to center.
When we sit down to coach our kids we need to realize that they may not be like us.
They think differently, and their view of completing a task is on a totally different page.
It’s important to keep in mind that we are their COACH, we are there to guide them and coach them without giving them the answers or doing it for them. We want to inspire them to do their best, yet that best may not represent what our best would be, and that, my friend, is OK!
Homework for many is part of the plan. Find your tribe of moms, put together a homework group, create a system that makes homework less of a chore and more of a fun adventure with mom!
You may be laughing at me, but I promise this will save you a few gray hairs during the process.
With Love and Light,