Summertime brings back powerful food memories for us adults and can be a beautiful time to celebrate seasonal summer fare, enjoy special snacks and meals, and enjoy camp lunches. However, summer can also be a stressful time for kids...
July in our house means summertime desserts. Preferably every weekend out at the pool! Because I'm a little bit (okay, a lot a bit!) of a health nut, I've made this 3-ingredient strawberry ice cream dairy-free, gluten-free, but not...
As cheesy as this is going to sound, Buffalo chicken wings have a very special place in my heart.  Many moons ago when Omar (my now husband) and I first started dating, our Sunday afternoon routine during football season...
We all need a homemade cookie from time to time, don't you think?!  YES!!  The answer is always a great big yes.  I love cookies, but even more I love Soft & Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies.   Not only do I...
I have spent the last 7 years using food to heal. There were days I had no idea how I was going to keep up with my super strict diet. I was sick of broccoli and chicken and needed...
Let's do brunch! Brunch is special, isn't it? And in a late-night, event town like Miami, going out for brunch at a local restaurant is part of what makes life in Miami fun! So whether you're visiting from out of...
If you're muffin-eating people like we are, I believe (and hope) you're going to love these super easy to make Chunky Monkey Muffins!  In true Whitney fashion, they are gluten-free and only sweetened with bananas.  No added sugar, mamas! ...
On March 27 we celebrate National Spanish Paella Day! Many people consider paella to be the national dish of Spain, and it is filled with tradition!  It originated in Valencia on the east coast of Spain.  Originally, paella was considered...
I recently had the opportunity to visit one of our partners, Bocas House in Coral Gables. I met a couple of my mom friends for lunch. This restaurant gem is tucked away on the corner of a quiet side...
Ambrosia is a dish that brings back so many memories of my childhood. My mom would always make this dessert for almost all of the gatherings we would have. For the longest time, I called this dessert "marshmallow salad"...

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Guide To Miami

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...