I once was given some good advice by a parent further along in the parenting journey than I was. He said, “Teach your children to ask questions that you can say Yes to.” Teens tend to hear "No" a...
Baby Girl, I want to start off by saying I am sorry and thank you so much. Whether you realized it or not, I was just a baby myself when I had you. I have loved you since the...
A sensory room is a room that is dedicated to sensory experiences. This means that it’s a room constructed to give your child different sensory inputs than they usually get. It is a space designated to offer your child...
Co-sleeping. One simple word that brings on a slew of emotions from moms, dads, and opinionated family members. I said I would NEVER co-sleep. I had the perfect baby room. His name was on the wall and his crib...
Little league baseball players standing behind home plate

Being a Sports Mom

Sports mom? That's a dad's bonding time, I don't have time for that, I don't like sports, etc. Many of us moms say that, but we're looking at it wrong. Let me tell you a little about my experience....
Last Wednesday evening, Miami Mom Collective Contributor Illiett Ojeda and her son, Kash, hosted a FB Live to talk about how football has had a positive impact on their relationship and what football means to their family. During their candid...
To my partner, my soulmate, the parent of our children, this letter is a thank you. A thank you for knowing that our family doesn’t have just one parent. That our children are our children, not just mine. I know...
Since becoming a mom one of my top priorities has been to keep my child safe and protected. Especially when driving in a busy and congested city like Miami. For moms like me who live in South Florida, you...
Finding fun things to do as a family is always a planning stage. You would think it’s easy but, as the kids get older it's harder to maintain. Everyone’s schedule gets complicated. When they are little boy is it...
One night I was scrolling on TikTok and saw a video of a mom setting up a super cool bath for her kid. I immediately opened up Amazon and started adding to my cart! I discover some of my...

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Guide To Miami

Mother’s Day Gift Guide: Gift Ideas for Moms

Our Mother's Day Gift Guide is brought to you by our partners featured below. It's time for our 5th Annual Mother's Day Gift Guide! At Miami...