Every motherhood journey is different.
Miami Mom Collective exists to equip, encourage, and empower moms in Miami. It’s the soul of everything we do–every blog post, resource guide, reel, social media post, newsletter, event–because we know that motherhood is hard. But we also believe that it doesn’t have to be lonely.
Even in hard seasons like infertility, miscarriage, and infant loss.
Over the years, many of our contributors have courageously shared their experiences as a way to simply say you’re seen, and you are not alone. And we hope their stories, shared below, are a source of comfort and support–wherever you are in your motherhood journey.
We see you, and you are loved.
The Long Wait to Become a Mom
Can you imagine waiting 25 years to become a mom?
There was a couple in the Bible that waited a very long time to see a promise fulfilled - to become mom and dad. This...
Infertility and Pregnancy Loss: The Personal Road to Recovery
I am convinced one of Dante's levels of hell is the waiting room of an IVF office. The anxiety and fear coming from everyone in the room is intoxicating. Yet we all just sit,...
In Honor of PCOS Awareness Month: One Mom Shares Her Story
PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It is a disorder that I was diagnosed with at the tender age of 13. A disorder that still has little information and (some) doctors think...
Endometriosis: An Invisible Condition Among Many Women
March is Endometriosis Awareness Month!
Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory estrogen-dependent process that occurs when endometrial glands grow outside of the uterus but new emerging research suggests this definition may be too narrow. These lesions...
The Redemptive Work of Unmerited Suffering: What I’m Learning
Unmerited Suffering
Suffering is unavoidable. For me, it was infertility, constant anxiety and depression, the chronic illnesses that wouldn’t let me live in peace. It was because Jesus, who undeservedly endured the pain and suffering...
Infertility: When What We Most Value is Taken Away From Us
My Backstory of Infertility
My story of infertility is unusual. It's not the story of a barren woman who tried for years to get pregnant. It's not the story heard often or considered seriously once...
Finding God in the Midst of Grief
Finding God in the Midst of Grief
I was having a great day, I walked into Target and moseyed into the Dollar Section and 20 minutes later headed towards the rear of the store...
Miscarriages, Loss and Hope: 5 Brave Women Tell Their Stories
Over 8 years ago, God brought five women, one of them being me, into a Bible study that would become a sacred space, the start of a journey that none of us ever could...
Pregnancy and Infant Loss: A Personal Story
Trigger warning: This post will speak about miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss.
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day
October 15th is known as an annual day of remembrance for pregnancy loss and infant death. This day...
Talking To Kids About Miscarriage: Pregnancy & Infant Loss Month
The difficult task of explaining pregnancy loss and miscarriage to your kids.
October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. For many women, pregnancy or
infant loss are just a statistic. But for those of us...
Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month | One Mother’s Story
Did you know that October is Pregnancy & Infant Awareness Month?
Every year, approximately 1 million pregnancies end in an early pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or the death of a newborn child. And that's only here...
5 Things Not to Say to Someone Who’s Had a Miscarriage
Miscarriage is not an easy topic. In the weeks that followed the loss of our first baby, I found that my miscarriage was either ignored or in an attempt to say something -- anything --...
Pregnancy and Infant Loss: Remembering the Baby I Never Got to Meet
In honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, one Miami mom shares her story of love, loss and the baby she never got to meet.
The office was empty and unbearably cold when we...
Republished October 2024