Health + Fitness

Image: strong mom and kid

When you chat with any mom in Miami about her family’s priorities, one thing is crystal clear: health and fitness are right up there on the list. With healthcare crises on the rise, it’s easy to feel a bit overwhelmed by all the information out there. So, how do we cut through the noise and zero in on what really matters?

At Miami Mom, we are here to provide you with up-to-date information, valuable resources, and diverse perspectives that directly impact your family’s well-being. We understand that as mothers, you have countless responsibilities, and we want to make sure that searching for reliable sources of information is the least of your worries. So relax, we’ve got you covered!

From the importance of summer skin care safety to better sleep strategies and tips for keeping the family healthy during cold and flu season to offering mental health support – we’ve got you covered. Miami Mom addresses a wide range of health and fitness topics, catering to every stage of life from pregnancy to birth, adolescence, and beyond.

It’s not just about doctors and medicine. We truly understand the importance of self-care for busy moms who are juggling their children, family, and home. That’s why we’re here to lend a helping hand! We provide guidance on prioritizing self-care for busy moms, along with tips to help establish a fitness routine. Our health and fitness resources offer valuable insights into the latest trends, services, and strategies for taking care of ourselves while caring for others. Let’s nurture our well-being and create a fulfilling life together! 😊

With a team of over 30 contributors, Miami Mom strives to empower busy moms with easy access to health and fitness resources.

This post is sponsored by our partners Baptist Health. The last year helped all of us to grow more tech savvy. From virtual school, to working remotely via Zoom, even digital social gatherings - it seems that just about whatever...
It happens in all homes or playgrounds. Kids, screaming, yelling, and making questionable loud noises. At times it's out of excitement, other times to express frustrations. Additionally, some kids are loud talkers due to being in rowdy environments, like...
I should have seen it coming. Just a few weeks shy of my son's 5th birthday, he casually mentioned that one of his teeth felt weird. Totally immersed in my after-school routine of getting the baby down for her...
National Hot Tea Month is here and what better way to celebrate than with a cup of your favorite tea and a little history. Hot teas are the second most consumed beverage in the world. Hot tea is believed to...
What is green, funny-looking, and tickles your tummy with joy? Nope, not Kermit. We are talking green juices! While it has become a trend, rest assured, these green juices aren't going anywhere. I wanted to share a couple of...
Workout apps make it very convenient for moms to be able to get fit from home by having access to quick and efficient workout programs.  As a health and fitness coach and a mom of two, I have been using...
Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer diagnosed in women worldwide. 85% of the worldwide deaths from this type of cancer occur in underdeveloped or developing countries. The cervix connects the uterus to the vagina. Cervical cancer often begins...
This post is sponsored by Florida Blue. This year and the challenges associated with facing a global pandemic have helped us to grow virtually savvy. Everything from grocery orders to family gatherings have gone virtual. Healthcare is no exception as many...
National Handwashing Awareness Week runs from December 1st - December 7th. Now more than ever, it is so important to keep good hygiene and practice healthy living. With a pandemic end nowhere in sight, I think this may be...
World Diabetes Day is celebrated every year on November 14th to bring attention to the importance of diabetes worldwide. Diabetes is becoming the biggest epidemic of the 21st century across the globe! 463 million adults were living with diabetes in...

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